This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Mineralogy". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Pages1 2 next › last » Image Gallery 1 Sib. Beryl. 2 Emerald. 3 Rubellite. 4 Brazil Topax. 5 Ruby. 6 Star Sapphire. 7 Opal. 8 Hyacinth. A popular treatise of gems Annotated list of figures from Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Annotation by James Smithson in Cristallographie Chart displaying colors of various gems and minerals from A popular treatise on gems : in reference to their scientific value. Cover of Notes on the mineralogy of part of the vicinity of Dublin Diamond Lathe . The Principles of Cutting. Feldspar from The mineral kingdom Fig. 12 a. Fig. 13. Figl 14. Figures Geometriques des Cristaux from Cristallographie Frontispiece and title page of Observations relative to the mineralogical and chemical history of the fossils of Cornwall Image from A popular treatise on gems Image from A popular treatise on gems Notation in An essay towards a system of mineralogy Notation in Notes on the mineralogy of part of the vicinity of Dublin Plate 11 from The Most Celebrated Cut Diamonds Plate 12 from The Most Celebrated Cut Diamonds Plate 13 from The Most Celebrated Cut Diamonds Plate 14 from The Most Celebrated Cut Diamonds Plate 15 from The Most Celebrated Cut Diamonds Plate 16 from The Most Celebrated Cut Diamonds Plate 17 from The Most Celebrated Cut Diamonds Printer's ornament in Cristallographie Quartz from The mineral kingdom Sketch of Part of the Mountainous Country near Dublin Sketch of the Hills to the South of Dublin Bay Book An essay towards a system of mineralogy Conradi Gesneri De rerum fossilium, lapidum et gemmarum maximè, figuris & similitudinibus liber Cristallographie De lʼemploi du chalumeau dans les analyses chimiques et les déterminations minéralogiques Emanuelis Swedenborgii Opera philosophica et mineralia t. 2 Georgii Agricolae De ortu & causis subterraneorum, lib. V ; De natura eorum quæ effluunt ex terra, lib. IIII ; De natura fossilium, lib. X ; De ueteribus & nouis metallis, lib. II ; Bermannus, siue D Illustrierte Mineralogie Letter Minerals Papers Papers The mineral kingdom v.1 [Text] (1912) Pages1 2 next › last »