This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Sewing machines". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Book Elias Howe letter to J.B. Nichols, dated New York, 13 October 1854 Journal of domestic appliances (1905:Jan.-Dec.) Journal of domestic appliances v.10 (1882) Journal of domestic appliances v.11 (1883) Journal of domestic appliances v.12 (1884) Journal of domestic appliances v.13 (1885) Journal of domestic appliances v.14 (1886) Journal of domestic appliances v.15 (1887) Journal of domestic appliances v.17 (1889) Journal of domestic appliances v.18 (1890) Journal of domestic appliances v.19 (1891) Journal of domestic appliances v.20-v.21 (1892-1893) Journal of domestic appliances v.22-v.23 (1894-1895) Sewing machine gazette Vol. 9, no. 131 (Oct. 1881). The servant in the house The sewing machine Image Gallery Plate 1: Walter Hunt Plate 2: Elias Howe, Jr. Plate 3: Isaac Merrit Singer Plate 4: Allen Benjamin Wilson Plate 5: Original Sewing Machine, Made by Elias Howe jr., in 1845 Plate 6: Original model of U.S. Patent No. 8294, issued to Isaac M. Singer, August 12, 1851 Plate 7: Illustration of Singer Sewing Machine published in 1853 Plate 8: Original model of U.S. Patent No. 9041, issued to Allen B. Wilson, June 15, 1852