This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Storefronts". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 next › last » Image Gallery Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Fortunato Rug Merchants. Sheet metal facade, silver lettering. Pierre Barbe, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Adrienne doll and toy boutique. Bruno Elkouken, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Au Printemps department store. Paul Sédille, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Demey boutique. Bruno Elkouken, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Fortunato Rug Merchants. Pierre Barbe, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. L"Esthetique book shop. Evsi Model, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. La Pharmacie Homéopathique. A. Schopfer, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Magny Jewelers.Louis-Hippolyte Boileau, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Parfums Cheramy. Stucco, glass and wrought iron. G. Raguenet and Maillard, architects. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Perfume store. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Richard Hudnut, perfumer. Jacques Débat-Ponsan, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Sools hat shop. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Veron shirt makers. Marble façade. Storefront. Paris, circa 1925.Nicolet glove shop. A.C.A.M., designers and metal manufacturers. Storefront. Paris, circa 1926. Automobile dealerships with dress shop on upper floor. Storefront. Paris, circa 1927. Armand Delord et Bion women's hairdresser shop. Georges Gay, interior decorator. Storefront. Paris, circa 1927. Lina Cavalieri beauty salon. Storefront. Paris, circa 1927. Siégel mannequin and store decoration showroom. René Herbst, furniture designer-architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1927.Rodier fabric merchants and weavers. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Alfa Romeo Automobile Showroom and Garage.Stucco, flat metal lettering. Robert Mallet-Stevens, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Art Deco sign for Le Pot au Feu restaurant. Claude Delorme, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Atelier René Prou, the architect's studio. René Prou, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Èditions A. Picard bookstore. Stucco façade. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Elecson phonograph shop. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Electrolux Appliance Shop. Germain Debré, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Electrolux Appliance Shop. Germain Debré, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Electrolux Appliance Shop. Germain Debré, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Le Bateau Ivre Private bars. Constantinesco, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Le Pot au Feu restaurant. Claude Delorme, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Le Pot au Feu restaurant. Claude Delorme, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1928. Vida lingerie and lace shop.Marble façade. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. A.Zeff cloth mechant. Gallot Frères, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. André Hunebelle glassware store. Lévêque, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Aristide Quillet Bookstore. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Aristide Quillet Bookstore. Marble facade. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Aristide Quillet Bookstore. Marble façade. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Au Gagne Petit department store entrance. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Au Gagne Petit department store. Façade of first and sceond floors painted in duco. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Cafés du Brésil shop. Robert Mallet-Stevens, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Coiffeur Vincent/Royale Madeleine, men's and women's hairdresser. Georges Orieme, interior designer. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Dupont Barbier grocery store. Stucco façade. Georges Djo-Bourgeois, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. La Boîte à Musique record and record player shop façade. J. Disse and A. Drouet, architects. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. La Plaque Tournante book and record shop. Pierre Barbe, architect. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Payot cosmetics and facial-treatment parlor. Marble façade. Delpeche, interior decorator. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Pierre Imans store display and mannequin designer showroom. Leyritz, designer Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Vedrenne umbrella shop. Au Bugherck, architect Storefront. Paris, circa 1930. Les Cadres frame shop Storefront. Paris, circa 1935. Au Bon Marché department store. Louis-Charles Boileau and Alexandré Lapanche, architects. Storefront. Paris, circa 1935. B.J. Klotz & Co. Oak-paneled facade with raised lettering. Frameless door and windows. Storefront. Paris, circa 1935. B.J. Klotz & Co. Oak-paneled facade with raised lettering. Frameless door and windows. Storefront. Paris, circa... Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 next › last »