This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Zoology". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.


Image Gallery

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle.

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle.

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of beetle.

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of butterfly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of butterfly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of butterfly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of butterfly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of butterfly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of butterfly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of butterfly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of butterfly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of carpenter bee

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of centipede

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of fly

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of millipede

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of wasp

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of wasp

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.

Species of wasp

Arachnechthra edini, Andr. Suthora brunnea, Andr.

Spiderhunter. Parrotbill

RODENTIA. Fig. 12. - Stomach of Rhizomys badius, Hodg. Nat. size.

Stomach of bamboo rat

RHIZOMYS. Fig. 11. - Stomach of Rhyzomys pruinosus, Blyth. Nat. size.

Stomach of the Hoary Bamboo Rat

Tadpoles. Pelobates, Bufo, Hyla

Tadpoles. Pelobates, Bufo, Hyla from The tailless batrachians of Europe.

Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.


Dr. W. Peters Naturw. Reise nach Mossambique.


The author emerging from a cave at Oeno Atoll with two Whitetip Reef Sharks.

The author emerging from a cave at Oeno Atoll with two Whitetip Reef Sharks from Atoll research bulletin.

The California Gray Whale (Rhachianectes glaucus).

The California Gray Whale (Rhachianectes glaucus) from The marine mammals of the north-western coast of North America, described and illustrated; together with an account of the American whale-fishery.

CETACEA. Fig. 17. A, the eye of Platanista of natural size, seen from the outside. B, a horizontal section throug the right eyeball...

The general appearance and structure of the Gangetic dolphin eye.


Cover of The British miscellany, or, Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects

The British miscellany, or, Coloured figures of new, rare, or little known animal subjects v. 1-2

Cover of The child's natural history in words of four letters

The child's natural history in words of four letters

Cover of The development of the animal kingdom

The development of the animal kingdom

Cover of The illustrated natural history

The illustrated natural history v. 2

Cover of The naturalist's assistant

The naturalist's assistant

Cover of The naturalist's library

The naturalist's library

Cover of The naturalist's library

The naturalist's library

Cover of The royal natural history

The royal natural history

Cover of The royal natural history

The royal natural history v. 1, sec. 2

Cover of The royal natural history

The royal natural history v. 2, sec. 4

Cover of The royal natural history

The royal natural history v. 4, sec. 8

Cover of The royal natural history

The royal natural history v. 5, sec. 10

Cover of The royal natural history

The royal natural history v. 5, sec. 9

Cover of The royal natural history

The royal natural history v. 6, sec. 12

Cover of The zoological miscellany

The zoological miscellany
