Images related to Birds Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 1101 - 1200 of 1643. Show 10 | 50 | 100 | 250 results per page. Pages« first ‹ previous … 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 next › last » Plate 123: 1. Black Sea Swallow. 1. Spotted [Sea Swallow] Plate 124: Le Pic Verd Cet Oiseau A 1 Pied De Longueur Plate 125: 1. The Great Martin. 2. [The] Little [Martin] Plate 126: La Marouette Plate 127: Sparrow Plate 128: Faucon-Sors Plate 129: The Merlin Plate 12: Sky Lark, Male Plate 130: La Soulouse Femelle Plate 131: 1. Wall Nightingale, Male. 2. [Wall Nightingale... Plate 132: Nightingales Plate 133: The Buzzard Plate 134: The Dotterel Plate 135: Le Balbuzard Plate 136: The Great Plover or Land Curlew Plate 137: The Little Teal Plate 138: The Great Diver Plate 139: Le Souchet Plate 13: Crested Lark Plate 14 Bengal Bird: "Fridytutah" Plate 140: The Water Rail Plate 141: 1. The French Woodpecker, Male. 2. [The French... Plate 142: The Screech Owl Plate 143: Yellow Hammers Plate 144: Le Goiland Varié ou Grisard Plate 145: Le Becasseau ou Cul-Blanc Plate 146: The Francolin Plate 147: The Black Kite Plate 148: The Rook Plate 149: Le Souchet Femelle Plate 14: La Farlouse ou l'Alouette de Pres. 2.... Plate 150: The Francolin, Female Plate 151: The Crow Plate 152: 1. Marsh Lark. 2. Le Cujelier Plate 153: The French Pullet, Male Plate 154: The French Pullet, Female Plate 155: La Maubêche Grise Plate 156: Le Casoar Plate 157: The Caffrarian Jay Plate 158: The Waxen Chatterer Plate 159: The Pea-hen Plate 15: The Nightingale Plate 160: The Whistling Bird of Paradise Plate 161: The Jacana Plate 162: The Horned Owl Plate 163: The Little American Eagle Plate 164: Parrot, from Guinea Plate 165: Cuckoo Plate 166: La Grande Barge Rousse Plate 167: The King Anteater Plate 168: Ce Troupiale Plate 169: Siamese Snipe Plate 16: 1. Black Headed Linnet, Male. 2. [Black Headed... Plate 170: La Barge Proprement Ditte Plate 171: Le Mainate Plate 172: The Great Northern Diver Plate 173: La Barge Grise Plate 174: The Pintailed Land Grouse, Male Plate 17: 1. The Red Throat. 2. The Blue Throat Plate 18: The Starling, Male Plate 19: The Blackbird Plate 20: The Thrush Plate 21: The Yellow-Hammer Plate 22 "A Woodpecker from Bengall" Plate 22: The Jay Plate 23: The Magpie, Male Plate 24: The Hoopoe Plate 25: The Canary Bird Plate 26: 1. The Goldfinch. 2. Chinese Goldfinch Plate 27 The Smyrna Kingfisher Plate 27: 1. Bullfinch, Male. 2. [Bullfinch], Female Plate 28: 1. Chaffinch, Male. 2. [Chaffinch], Female. Plate 29: 1. Cardinal Dominiquain Hupé, de La Louisiane Plate 30: The Woodcock Plate 31 Ostrich Plate 31: Wild Duck, Male Plate 32: Wild Duck, Female Plate 33 The Crested Turkey Cock Plate 34: Red Parrot, from Borneo Plate 35: Brazilian Parrot Plate 37: Mesanges from Ornithologie Plate 38: Lapwing, Male Plate 39: 1. Water Wagtail, Male. & 2. [Water Wagtail... Plate 3: Ring Dove Plate 40: The Pheasant, Male. 2. [The Pheasant], Female Plate 41: La Riche-Elegante Plate 42 The Cock Hoopoe Plate 42: 1. Golden Pheasant, Male. 2. [Golden Pheasant],... Plate 43: Silver Pheasant Male & Female Plate 44: Wood Pigeon Plate 45: Calao de Malabar Plate 46 "A Dove from China" Plate 46: The Ostrich Plate 47 - The blewhead Tom tilt Plate 47: Le Grand Aigle Plate 48: The Kite Plate 49: The Cock of the Rock Plate 4: The Cock Plate 50 - Red Start Plate 50: Blackbird, Female Pages« first ‹ previous … 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 next › last »