Images related to Photography Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 2101 - 2200 of 2817. Show 10 | 50 | 100 | 250 results per page. Pages« first ‹ previous … 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 … next › last » Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. A. Zeff cloth merchants... Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. A. Zeff cloth merchants... Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. Alexandrine glove shop. Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. Bendelari shoe store. Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. Gérard Sandoz jewelry... Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. Glass and china... Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. Jean Patou sport and... Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. Perfume department of... Store interior. Paris, circa 1928. Tiered shoe display unit... Store interior. Paris, circa 1930. David men's... Store interior. Paris, circa 1930. David men's... Store interior. Shoe seller's stool, small table with... Store interior. Stockholm, Sweden, 1930. Pewter display. Store interior.Paris, 1927-28. Brick fireplace and chairs... Store interior.Paris, 1927-28. View from entrance into main... Store interior.Paris, 1927. Stairway from main show room... Store interior.Paris, 1927. Corner of showroom. Perugia... Store interior.Paris, 1927. Upper showroom with cement... Store interior.Paris, circa 1927. D'Ahetze men's... Store showroom. Paris, circa 1925. Rose Valois dressmaker... Store showroom. Paris, circa 1928. Crane Valve Company... Store signage. Paris, n.d. Biscuits Pernot. Store Window display inspired by factory machinery. France... Store window. Paris, 1925-35. Tennis rackets and balls by... Store window. Paris, 1925-35. Tennis rackets and balls. In... Store window. Paris, 1925-35. Tennis rackets and balls. In... Store window. Paris, n.d. Manteau raincoats in Foire de... Storefront jewelry display. France, n.d. Jewelry by Pierre-... Storefront of La Nacrolaque, Jean Paissaeu. Paris, n.d. Storefront of La Nacrolaque, Jean Paissaeu. Paris, n.d. Storefront, Paris, 1925-30. Mina's women's hat... Storefront, Paris, circa 1927. Siégel mannequin and store... Storefront, Paris, circa 1928. Le Trousseau de Bébé... Storefront. circa 1927. Paris, 1929. Offices of Le... Storefront. France. Display of Mauboussin jewelry, diamond... Storefront. France, 1925-35. Department store display. Storefront. France, 1925-35. Pigier store façade with 15th... Storefront. France, n.d. Bozon-Verduraz pasta display.... Storefront. France, n.d. Display of women's gloves. Storefront. France, n.d. Display of women's shoes. Storefront. France, n.d. Frigidaire display. Siégel,... Storefront. France,circa 1925. Suzanne Dufour millinery... Storefront. France,n.d. Display of women's pump shoes... Storefront. Paris, circa 1925. Komol hairdressers. Storefront. Paris, circa 1929. Persika women's... Storefront. Paris, 1924-35. Volnay perfumer. Storefront. Paris, 1925-25. Édouard & Butler, Gelot,... Storefront. Paris, 1925-30. Au Palais des Enfants children... Storefront. Paris, 1925-30. David's men's... Storefront. Paris, 1925-30. Gramophone record shop. Storefront. Paris, 1925-30. Rateau pastry shop. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Louis Vuitton luggage store... Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Alexandrine glove shop. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Alice Ferron jewelers. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Atkinsons English bootmakers.... Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Au Printemps department store.... Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Aux Trois Sultanes tearoom. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Ballol auto showroom. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Cathelin restaurant. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Chez Hélène novelty shop. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Cinq & Dix, a projected... Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Guerlain perfume shop. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Les Parfumeries de Gabilla. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Louis Vuitton luggage store and... Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Louis Vuitton luggage store and... Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Madeleine clothing store. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Several shops visible-Técla... Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Union Primes paint shop. Storefront. Paris, 1925-35. Violet Perfume shop. Storefront. Paris, 1926. Roger et Gallet perfumer. Marrast... Storefront. Paris, 1926. Galerie Edgar Brandt. Storefront. Paris, 1927. Galerie Barbazanges. René Herbst,... Storefront. Paris, 1927. Lubin perfume shop. Storefront. Paris, 1928. Champs-Élysées tobacco shop.... Storefront. Paris, 1928. Shop iof Eugene printz, interior... Storefront. Paris, 1928. Auburn automobile and bicycle... Storefront. Paris, 1928. Coiffeur de Monieur men's... Storefront. Paris, 1928. Coiffeur Florentin. De Vayrac-... Storefront. Paris, 1928. Innoxa hairdressing salon. Victor-... Storefront. Paris, 1928. Isabey perfumer. Charles Siclis,... Storefront. Paris, 1928. Prunier-Traktir seafood restaurant... Storefront. Paris, 1928. Various vendors. Storefront. Paris, 1929 .Les Trois Quartiers department... Storefront. Paris, 1929. Pharmacie St.-Germain-des-Prés.... Storefront. Paris, 1929. "Chiquito" Basque... Storefront. Paris, 1929. Citröen automobile showroom.... Storefront. Paris, 1929. Compagnie des Arts français. Storefront. Paris, 1929. Edouard Loewy bookstore. Claude... Storefront. Paris, 1929. Edouard Loewy bookstore. Claude... Storefront. Paris, 1929. Edouard Loewy bookstore. Claude... Storefront. Paris, 1929. Poum et Zette women's... Storefront. Paris, 1930. Adolphe Coiffeur and Berthe shop. Storefront. Paris, 1930. La Semaine de Paris newspaper... Storefront. Paris, 1931. Albison women's clothing... Storefront. Paris, 1931. André Godin storefront, one of the... Storefront. Paris, 1931. Drawingg, floor plan for the 1931... Storefront. Paris, 1931. Dusausoy storefront with jewelry... Storefront. Paris, 1931. Le Coffre Magique record and... Storefront. Paris, 1931. Paul Bocquillon Faïence de Paris.... Storefront. Paris, 1931. Rouard and Puiforcat silverware... 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