Creating and saving specs for exporting tab delimited records from MarcEdit

  1. Open MarcEdit.
  2. In the "Tools" dropdown, select Export→Export Tab Delimited Records.
  3. This will open a window labeled "Step 1: Set File Paths."
    1. In the first window, select the record set that you would like to export.
    2. In the second window, name the exported file and choose the location to which you would like to save.
    3. Change delimiters if necessary. (For our WCP/shelf ready QC process, we use the default settings.)
    4. Click "Next."
  4. You will now be in a window labeled "Step 2: Define Fields/Subfields to Export."
    1. In the "Field" dropdown, select the MARC field you would like to export from your record set. You can enter as many as needed.
    2. If you only need a part or parts of a field, enter the subfield code in the box. You can enter more than one subfield code at a time.
    3. When you have the field/subfield combination you need, click "Add field." The parameters will now appear in the window above.
    4. Repeat as many times as needed.
  5. When you have added all of the fields/subfields you need, click "Settings."
    1. You will see an option to Save Settings. If you've created a new set of specs, save these to a file for reuse.
    2. To reuse the same saved settings later, simply click Settings→Load Settings, and navigate to your saved file. (No need to reenter all of your fields and subfields each time.)
    3. If you ever need to edit saved settings, simply open the file in a text editor and make any edits required.
  6. When you have your new settings entered, or your saved settings loaded, click "Export" to create the .csv file.