Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)

Corporate Name: 
Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries

Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries

Livingstone, David; Livingstone, Charles; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Index to Livingstone's journal

Index to Livingstone's journal

Livingstone, David; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Missionary travels and researches in South Africa - including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the C

Missionary travels and researches in South Africa c.1

Livingstone, David; Day & Son,; William Clowes and Sons,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Dr Livingstone's Cambridge lectures

Dr Livingstone's Cambridge lectures

Livingstone, David; Sedgwick, Adam; Monk, William; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Deighton, Bell and Co
Cover of Missionary travels and researches in South Africa

Missionary travels and researches in South Africa

Livingstone, David; Arnot, Fred. S.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries

Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries

Livingstone, David; Livingstone, Charles; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Index to Livingstone's journal

Index to Livingstone's journal

Livingstone, David; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Missionary travels and researches in South Africa - including a sketch of sixteen years' residence in the interior of Africa, and a journey from the C

Missionary travels and researches in South Africa c.1

Livingstone, David; Day & Son,; William Clowes and Sons,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Dr Livingstone's Cambridge lectures

Dr Livingstone's Cambridge lectures

Livingstone, David; Sedgwick, Adam; Monk, William; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Deighton, Bell and Co
Cover of Missionary travels and researches in South Africa

Missionary travels and researches in South Africa

Livingstone, David; Arnot, Fred. S.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Abyssinia


Vivian, Herbert; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
C.A. Pearson, ltd
Cover of A walk across Africa - or, Domestic scenes from my Nile journal

A walk across Africa

Grant, James Augustus; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W. Blackwood and Sons
Cover of Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa - being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s government in the yea

Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa v.2 (1857)

Barth, Heinrich; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
D. Appleton
Cover of Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa - being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s government in the yea

Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa v.3 (1857)

Barth, Heinrich; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
D. Appleton
Cover of The lake regions of Central Africa a picture of exploration

The lake regions of Central Africa v.2 (1860)

Burton, Richard Francis; Phillips, George Faudel; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts
Cover of The lake regions of Central Africa a picture of exploration

The lake regions of Central Africa v.1 (1860)

Burton, Richard Francis; Phillips, George Faudel; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts
Cover of The Basuto of Basutoland

The Basuto of Basutoland

Dutton, E. A. T.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Cape
Cover of Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa - being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s government in the yea

Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa v.5 (1858)

Barth, Heinrich; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
D. Appleton
Cover of Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa - being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s government in the yea

Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa v.4 (1858)

Barth, Heinrich; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
D. Appleton
Cover of Prospectus of an expedition to the interior of South Africa, from Dalagoa Bay - patronized by the Royal Geographical Society.

Prospectus of an expedition to the interior of South Africa, from Dalagoa Bay

Cooley, William Desborough; Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain); Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Printed by William Clowes
Cover of A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa v. 1

Quilter, A. W.; Roosevelt, Kermit; Skene, R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa v. 2

Quilter, A. W.; Roosevelt, Kermit; Skene, R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa - being a journal of an expedition undertaken under the auspices of H.B.M.'s government in the yea

Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa v.2 (1857)

Barth, Heinrich; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
D. Appleton
Cover of The lake regions of Central Africa a picture of exploration

The lake regions of Central Africa v.1 (1860)

Burton, Richard Francis; Phillips, George Faudel; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts
Cover of The lake regions of Central Africa a picture of exploration

The lake regions of Central Africa a picture of exploration /

Burton, Richard Francis; Phillips, George Faudel; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts
Cover of A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa v. 1

Quilter, A. W.; Roosevelt, Kermit; Skene, R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

Quilter, A. W.; Roosevelt, Kermit; Skene, R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)

Cover of Livingstone and Newstead

Livingstone and Newstead

Spinner, Alice; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of My Sudan year

My Sudan year

Drower, E. S. Lady; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Mills & Boon
Cover of Capetown to Kafue

Capetown to Kafue

Taylor, H. J.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W.A. Hammond
Cover of The American slave-trade

The American slave-trade

Spears, John Randolph; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
C. Scribner's Sons
Cover of The curse of Central Africa

The curse of Central Africa

Burrows, Guy; Canisius, Edgar; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
R.A. Everett & Co
Cover of In the heart of Bantuland

In the heart of Bantuland

Campbell, Dugald; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Seeley, Service & Co., ltd
Cover of The history of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1909

The history of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 1859-1909

Anderson-Morshead, A. E. M.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Universities' Mission to Central Africa
Cover of A woman's trek from the Cape to Cairo

A woman's trek from the Cape to Cairo

Hall, Mary; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Methuen & Co
Cover of The story of Africa and its explorers v. 1

The story of Africa and its explorers v. 1

Brown, Robert; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of A British borderland

A British borderland

Wilson, H. A.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of My early travels and adventures in America and Asia v.2

My early travels and adventures in America and Asia v.2

Stanley, Henry M.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
C. Scribner's sons
Cover of Diary of a tour in South Africa

Diary of a tour in South Africa

Agate, W.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Laws of Livingstonia

Laws of Livingstonia

Livingstone, W. P.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Hodder and Stoughton
Cover of Sport in the eastern Sudan, from Souakin to the Blue Nile

Sport in the eastern Sudan, from Souakin to the Blue Nile

Cotton, William Bensley; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Rowland Ward
Cover of The backbone of Africa

The backbone of Africa

Sharpe, Alfred, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of The pioneers of Mashonaland

The pioneers of Mashonaland

Darter, Adrian; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent
Cover of The map of Africa by treaty v. 3

The map of Africa by treaty v. 3

Hertslet, Edward, Sir; Brant, R. W.; Sherwood, H. L.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Printed for H.M.S.O., by Harrison and Sons
Cover of My reminiscences of East Africa

My reminiscences of East Africa

Lettow-Vorbeck, General von; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Hurst and Blackett
Cover of A picnic party in wildest Africa

A picnic party in wildest Africa

Bulpett, C. W. L.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
E. Arnold
Cover of The story of Emin's rescue as told in Stanley's letters

The story of Emin's rescue as told in Stanley's letters

Stanley, Henry M.; Keltie, John Scott, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Harper & Bros
1890, [c1889]
Cover of The story of Africa and its explorers v. 4

The story of Africa and its explorers v. 4

Brown, Robert; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of My early travels and adventures in America and Asia v.1

My early travels and adventures in America and Asia v.1

Stanley, Henry M.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
C. Scribner's sons
Cover of With Wilson in Matabeleland, or, Sport and war in Zambesia

With Wilson in Matabeleland, or, Sport and war in Zambesia

Donovan, C. H. W.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of African camp fires

African camp fires

White, Stewart Edward; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Thomas Nelson and Sons
Cover of Great Britain and the Congo

Great Britain and the Congo

Morel, E. D.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Smith, Elder & Co
Cover of A sporting trip through Abyssinia

A sporting trip through Abyssinia

Powell-Cotton, P. H. G.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
R. Ward
Cover of The story of Africa and its explorers v. 2

The story of Africa and its explorers v. 2

Brown, Robert; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Intervention and colonization in Africa

Intervention and colonization in Africa

Harris, Norman Dwight; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Houghton Mifflin Co
Cover of Tippoo Tib, the story of his career in Central Africa

Tippoo Tib, the story of his career in Central Africa

Brode, Heinrich; Havelock, H.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of The map of Africa by treaty v. 2

The map of Africa by treaty v. 2

Hertslet, Edward, Sir; Brant, R. W.; Sherwood, H. L.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Printed for H.M.S.O., by Harrison and Sons
Cover of The life of George Grenfell

The life of George Grenfell

Hawker, George; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Religious Tract Society
Cover of Specimens of Bushman folklore

Specimens of Bushman folklore

Bleek, W. H. I.; Lloyd, Lucy; Theal, George McCall; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
G. Allen & Company, ltd
Cover of The story of Africa and its explorers v. 3

The story of Africa and its explorers v. 3

Brown, Robert; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of The map of Africa by treaty v. 1

The map of Africa by treaty v. 1

Hertslet, Edward, Sir; Brant, R. W.; Sherwood, H. L.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Printed for H.M.S.O., by Harrison and Sons
Cover of The development of Rhodesia from a geographical standpoint

The development of Rhodesia from a geographical standpoint

Fox, H. Wilson; Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain); Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Royal Geographical Society?
Cover of Five months' sport in Somali land

Five months' sport in Somali land

Wolverton, Frederick Glyn, 4th Baron; Paget, Arthur Henry Fitzroy, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Chapman & Hall
Cover of On the South African frontier

On the South African frontier

Brown, William Harvey; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Charles Scribner's Sons
Cover of Through Matabeleland

Through Matabeleland

Wood, Joseph Garbett; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J.C. Juta & Co
Cover of Barotseland


Stirke, Douglas Elliott Charles Romaine; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson
Cover of The real Sir Richard Burton

The real Sir Richard Burton

Dodge, Walter Phelps; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
T. Fisher Unwin
Cover of Through Uganda to Mount Elgon

Through Uganda to Mount Elgon

Purvis, J. B.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
T. Fisher Unwin
Cover of Two Dianas in Somaliland

Two Dianas in Somaliland

Herbert, Agnes.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Lane
Cover of My journey from Rhodesia to Egypt

My journey from Rhodesia to Egypt

Kassner, Theo; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Hutchinson & Co
Cover of Peter Moor's journey to Southwest Africa

Peter Moor's journey to Southwest Africa

Frenssen, Gustav; Ward, Margaret May; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Houghton Mifflin Co
Cover of Sport and travel

Sport and travel

Hindlip, Charles Allsopp, Baron; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
T.F. Unwin
Cover of An African adventure

An African adventure

Marcosson, Isaac Frederick; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
John Lane Co
Cover of Views and reviews from the outlook of an anthropologist

Views and reviews from the outlook of an anthropologist

Johnston, Harry; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Williams & Norgate
Cover of The life of Sir Richard Burton v.2 (1906)

The life of Sir Richard Burton v.2 (1906)

Wright, Thomas; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Everett & Co
Cover of Through Angola

Through Angola

Statham, John Charles Baron; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W. Blackwood & Sons
Cover of The Belgian Congo and the Berlin act

The Belgian Congo and the Berlin act

Keith, Arthur Berriedale; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Clarendon Press
Cover of The Masai

The Masai

Hollis, Alfred Claud, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
The Clarendon Press
Cover of Henry M. Stanley, his life, travels and explorations

Henry M. Stanley, his life, travels and explorations

Little, Henry William; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J.B. Lippincott company
Cover of Africa and its exploration

Africa and its exploration v. 2

Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
S. Low, Marston and Co
Cover of Italian explorers in Africa

Italian explorers in Africa

Bompiani, Sofia; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Religious Tract Society
Cover of The voice of Africa v. 1

The voice of Africa v. 1

Frobenius, Leo; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Hutchinson & Co
Cover of The Arabs in Central Africa

The Arabs in Central Africa

Stevenson, James; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of William Cotton Oswell, hunter and explorer

William Cotton Oswell, hunter and explorer v. 1

Oswell, William Edward; Livingstone, David; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W. Heinemann
Cover of South-West Africa

South-West Africa

Eveleigh, William; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
T. Fisher Unwin
Cover of South-West Africa

South-West Africa

Eveleigh, William; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
T. Fisher Unwin
Cover of Seventeen trips through Somaliland and a visit to Abyssinia

Seventeen trips through Somaliland and a visit to Abyssinia

Swayne, H. G. C.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Rowland Ward, Limited, 'The Jungle'
Cover of The new Zambesi trail

The new Zambesi trail

Mackintosh, Catharine Winkworth; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Marshall Bros
Cover of Streams in the desert

Streams in the desert

Morrison, J. H.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Hodder and Stoughton
Cover of Mr. H.M. Stanley : as leader and comrade

Mr. H.M. Stanley : as leader and comrade

Quilter, Harry; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Through the heart of Africa

Through the heart of Africa

Melland, Frank H.; Cholmeley, Edward H.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Houghton Mifflin
Cover of Twenty years of pioneer missions in Nyasaland

Twenty years of pioneer missions in Nyasaland

Hamilton, J. Taylor; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Society for Propagating the Gospel
Cover of The voice of Africa v. 2

The voice of Africa v. 2

Frobenius, Leo; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Hutchinson & Co
Cover of William Cotton Oswell, hunter and explorer

William Cotton Oswell, hunter and explorer v. 1

Oswell, William Edward; Livingstone, David; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W. Heinemann
Cover of William John Burchell

William John Burchell

Poulton, Edward Bagnall, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Printed by Spottiswoode & Co
Cover of William Cotton Oswell, hunter and explorer

William Cotton Oswell, hunter and explorer v. 2

Oswell, William Edward; Livingstone, David; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W. Heinemann
Cover of Zululand - past and present

Zululand : past and present

Colenso, Harriette; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Manchester Geographical Society?
Cover of Exploration and hunting in central Africa 1895-96

Exploration and hunting in central Africa 1895-96

Gibbons, A. St. H.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of A history of the colonization of Africa by alien races

A history of the colonization of Africa by alien races

Johnston, Harry; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
University Press
Cover of Ruwenzori


De Filippi, Filippo; Savoia, Luigi Amedeo di, duca degli Abruzzi; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of A white king in East Africa

A white king in East Africa

Boyes, John; Bulpett, C. W. L.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
McBride, Nast & Co
Cover of The bonds of Africa

The bonds of Africa

Letcher, Owen; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Long
Cover of Simba


White, Stewart Edward; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Doubleday, Page & Company
Cover of In Africa

In Africa

McCutcheon, John T.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Bobbs-Merrill Co
Cover of A Yankee in pigmy land

A Yankee in pigmy land

Geil, William Edgar; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Hodder and Stoughton
Cover of The memoirs of Paul Kruger

The memoirs of Paul Kruger

Kruger, Paul; Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander; Schowalter, A.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Century Co
Cover of Papers relating to the execution of Mr. Stokes in the Congo State

Papers relating to the execution of Mr. Stokes in the Congo State

Great Britain. Foreign Office; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Printed for H.M.S.O. by Harrison and Sons
Cover of Humorous sketches of the campaign in G.E.A

Humorous sketches of the campaign in G.E.A

Cutler, Charles; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
L.E. Joseph & Co
between 1914 and 1929]
Cover of Elephant-hunting in East Equatorial Africa

Elephant-hunting in East Equatorial Africa

Neumann, Arthur H.; Sharpe, Emily Mary Bowdler; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Rowland Ward
Cover of Roosevelt in Africa

Roosevelt in Africa

Seymour, Frederick H. A.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
D.B. McCurdy
Cover of The lion and the elephant

The lion and the elephant

Andersson, Charles John; Lloyd, L.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Hurst and Blackett
Cover of General information as to the East Africa Protectorate

General information as to the East Africa Protectorate

Great Britain. Oversea Settlement Office.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
H.M. Stationery Off
Cover of Roosevelt's thrilling experiences in the wilds of Africa hunting big game

Roosevelt's thrilling experiences in the wilds of Africa hunting big game

Everett, Marshall; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Charles Scribner's Sons
Cover of A colony in the making, or, Sport and profit in British East Africa

A colony in the making, or, Sport and profit in British East Africa

Cranworth, Bertram Francis Gurdon, Baron; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Macmillan and Co
Cover of Explorations in South Africa

Explorations in South Africa

Andersson, Charles John; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of African game trails

African game trails

Roosevelt, Theodore; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Africa and its exploration

Africa and its exploration v. 2

Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
S. Low, Marston and Co
Cover of Through Africa from the Cape to Cairo

Through Africa from the Cape to Cairo

Grogan, Ewart Scott; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Government Printing Office
Cover of Wild beasts and their ways v.1 (1890)

Wild beasts and their ways v.1 (1890)

Baker, Samuel White, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Missionary travels and researches in South Africa v.1 (1857)

Missionary travels and researches in South Africa v.1 (1857)

Livingstone, David; Day & Son,; William Clowes and Sons,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of African game trails

African game trails

Roosevelt, Theodore; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Charles Scribner's Sons
Cover of A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa v. 2

Quilter, A. W.; Roosevelt, Kermit; Skene, R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of The Albert N'yanza

The Albert N'yanza

Baker, Samuel White, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Macmillan and Co
Cover of African hunting, from Natal to the Zambesi

African hunting, from Natal to the Zambesi

Baldwin, William Charles; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
R. Bentley
Cover of The life of Sir Richard Burton v.1 (1906)

The life of Sir Richard Burton v.1 (1906)

Wright, Thomas; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Everett & Co
Cover of A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa v. 1

Quilter, A. W.; Roosevelt, Kermit; Skene, R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Hunting big game in the wilds of Africa

Hunting big game in the wilds of Africa

Miller, J. Martin; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
National Pub. Co
Cover of The land of Zinj

The land of Zinj

Stigand, C. H.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Constable & Company ltd
Cover of The adventures of an elephant hunter

The adventures of an elephant hunter

Sutherland, James; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of African game trails

African game trails

Roosevelt, Theodore; Goodwin, Philip R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Charles Scribner's
Cover of Wild beasts and their ways

Wild beasts and their ways v.2

Baker, Samuel White, Sir,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Notes on South African hunting

Notes on South African hunting

Bethell, Alfred J.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Roosevelt's African trip

Roosevelt's African trip

Unger, Frederic William; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W.E. Scull
Cover of On safari

On safari

Chapman, Abel; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Edward Arnold
Cover of Man and beast in eastern Ethiopia

Man and beast in eastern Ethiopia

Bland-Sutton, John, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Macmillan and Co
Cover of The new Africa

The new Africa

Schulz, Aurel; Hammar, August; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W. Heinemann
Cover of In the heart of Africa

In the heart of Africa

Adolf Friedrich, Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin; Maberly-Oppler, G. E.; Deutsche Zentral-Afrika-Expedition (1907-1908); Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cassell and company, ltd
Cover of African game trails

African game trails

Roosevelt, Theodore; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of Roosevelt's thrilling experiences in the wilds of Africa hunting big game

Roosevelt's thrilling experiences in the wilds of Africa hunting big game

Everett, Marshall; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Charles Scribner's Sons
Cover of Missionary travels and researches in South Africa v.2 (1857)

Missionary travels and researches in South Africa v.2 (1857)

Livingstone, David; Day & Son,; William Clowes and Sons,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of African game trails

African game trails

Roosevelt, Theodore; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Charles Scribner's Sons
Cover of The Albert N'yanza

The Albert N'yanza

Baker, Samuel White, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Macmillan and Co
Cover of The adventures of an elephant hunter

The adventures of an elephant hunter

Sutherland, James; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of African hunting, from Natal to the Zambesi

African hunting, from Natal to the Zambesi

Baldwin, William Charles; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
R. Bentley
Cover of A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa v. 2

Quilter, A. W.; Roosevelt, Kermit; Skene, R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Savage Sudan

Savage Sudan

Chapman, Abel; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Gurney and Jackson
Cover of Sport and war

Sport and war

Bisset, John Jarvis, Sir; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Murray
Cover of A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa

A.W. Quilter journal of travels in East Africa v. 1

Quilter, A. W.; Roosevelt, Kermit; Skene, R.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Life-histories of African game animals v.1 (1914)

Life-histories of African game animals v.1 (1914)

Roosevelt, Theodore; Heller, Edmund; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
C. Scribner's Sons
Cover of Life-histories of African game animals v.2 (1914)

Life-histories of African game animals v.2 (1914)

Roosevelt, Theodore; Heller, Edmund; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
C. Scribner's Sons
Cover of Roosevelt's African trip

Roosevelt's African trip

Unger, Frederic William; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W.E. Scull
Cover of Life-histories of African game animals v.1 (1914)

Life-histories of African game animals v.1 (1914)

Roosevelt, Theodore; Heller, Edmund; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
C. Scribner's Sons
Cover of Roosevelt's African trip

Roosevelt's African trip

Unger, Frederic William; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
W.E. Scull
Cover of Life-histories of African game animals v.1 (1914)

Life-histories of African game animals v.1 (1914)

Roosevelt, Theodore; Heller, Edmund; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
C. Scribner's Sons
Cover of Remarks on the recent travels of Dr. Barth in Central Africa, or Soudan

Remarks on the recent travels of Dr. Barth in Central Africa, or Soudan

Hodgson, William Brown; Ethnological Society of New York.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Black and white photograph of Theodore Roosevelt, with the bull elephant he had just killed

Black and white photograph of Theodore Roosevelt, with the bull elephant he had just killed

Heller, Edmund; Cuninghame, R. J.; Roosevelt, Theodore; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
[1909 or 1910]
Cover of Black and white photograph of African elephant herd in woodland

Black and white photograph of African elephant herd in woodland

Heller, Edmund; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
[between 1909 and 1926?]
Cover of Seventeen trips through Somaliland and a visit to Abyssinia

Seventeen trips through Somaliland and a visit to Abyssinia

Swayne, H. G. C.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Rowland Ward, Limited, 'The Jungle'
Cover of Seventeen trips through Somaliland and a visit to Abyssinia

Seventeen trips through Somaliland and a visit to Abyssinia

Swayne, H. G. C.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Rowland Ward, Limited, 'The Jungle'
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 8

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 8

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 7

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 7

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Wild beasts and their ways

Wild beasts and their ways v.2

Baker, Samuel White, Sir,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Wild beasts and their ways

Wild beasts and their ways v.2

Baker, Samuel White, Sir,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 6

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 6

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Two Dianas in Somaliland

Two Dianas in Somaliland

Herbert, Agnes.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Lane
Cover of Two Dianas in Somaliland

Two Dianas in Somaliland

Herbert, Agnes.; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
J. Lane
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 5

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 5

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 1

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting

Nathaniel Clayton Cockburn manuscript journals of big game hunting v. 1

Cockburn, Nathaniel Clayton,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries); Smithsonian Field Book Project.
Cover of Tyler Morse diary, 1902-1903

Tyler Morse diary, 1902-1903

Morse, Tyler,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Cover of Wild beasts and their ways

Wild beasts and their ways

Baker, Samuel White, Sir,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Macmillan & Co
Cover of In brightest Africa

In brightest Africa

Akeley, Carl Ethan,; Russell E. Train Africana Collection (Smithsonian Libraries)
Doubleday, Page and Co
1924, [c1923]