En tibi lector Robertum Valturium ... De re militari libris XII

Valturio, Roberto
Apud Christianum Wechelum, sub insigni scuti Basiliensis, Parisiis, 1532 Mense Iulio
172. Valturius was an assistant to Sigismondo Malatesta, the famous feudal ruler of the Italian city-state of Rimini. Warfare being a common pastime of these petty tyrants, Valturius produced this book which is considered to be the first printed work to contain illustrations of a scientific or technical nature.
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172. Valturius was an assistant to Sigismondo Malatesta, the famous feudal ruler of the Italian city-state of Rimini. Warfare being a common pastime of these petty tyrants, Valturius produced this book which is considered to be the first printed work to contain illustrations of a scientific or technical nature.