Heralds of Science

illustration of two cherubs holding a crown over the title of the book Dialogo di Galileo Galilei

In 1955 Bern Dibner, the noted science book collector and founder of the Burndy Library, published Heralds of Science as Represented by Two Hundred Epochal Books and Pamphlets Selected from the Burndy Library.  To construct the list, Dibner selected two hundred items he owned that “proclaimed new truths or hypotheses in science.” Two hundred titles, he felt, was an adequate number to represent the great achievements while not being too many to overwhelm the average layperson interested in science.  More...


Cover of A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field

A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field

Maxwell, James Clerk; Royal Society (Great Britain)
The Royal Society

68. Electro-Magnetism and Light

Cover of A new system of chemical philosophy

A new system of chemical philosophy v. 1; pt. 1

Dalton, John
Printed by S. Russell ... for R. Bickerstaff, ... London

44. The Atomic Theory

Cover of A new system of chemical philosophy

A new system of chemical philosophy v. 1; pt. 2

Dalton, John
Printed by S. Russell ... for R. Bickerstaff, ... London

44. The Atomic Theory

Cover of A new system of chemical philosophy

A new system of chemical philosophy v. 2; pt. 1

Dalton, John
Printed by S. Russell ... for R. Bickerstaff, ... London

44. The Atomic Theory

Cover of A synopsis of the astronomy of comets

A synopsis of the astronomy of comets

Halley, Edmond
Printed for John Senex

12. Halley's Comet

Cover of Account of a comet

Account of a comet v. 71, pt. 2 (1781)

Herschel, William; Watson, William, Sir; Royal Society (Great Britain)

13. A New Planet

Cover of An explanation of the observed irregularities in the motion of Uranus

An explanation of the observed irregularities in the motion of Uranus

Adams, John Couch; Royal Astronomical Society.; William Clowes and Sons,
Printed by W. Clowes and Sons

16. Neptune Discovered

Cover of Anleitung zur Analyse organischer Körper

Anleitung zur Analyse organischer Körper

Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von
Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn

46. Organic Analysis

Cover of Apollonii Pergæi Conicorum libri quattuor

Apollonii Pergæi Conicorum libri quattuor

Apollonius, of Perga; Eutocius, of Ascalon; Pappus, of Alexandria; Commandino, Federico; Serenus, Antinoensis
Ex Officina Alexandri Benatii

Cover of Astronomia nova aitiologetos romanized

Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized]

Kepler, Johannes; Brahe, Tycho; Rudolph II, emperor of Germany
G. Voegelinus]

5. First Two Laws

Cover of Christiani Hvgenii ... Horologivm oscillatorivm

Christiani Hvgenii ... Horologivm oscillatorivm

Huygens, Christiaan
F. Muguet

145. In this work Huygens finally explains, using his knowledge of mathematics and dynamics of bodies in motion, how the pendulum can be used to regulate the workings of a clock.

Cover of Cristiani Hugenii Zulichemii, Const. f. Systema Saturnium

Cristiani Hugenii Zulichemii, Const. f. Systema Saturnium

Huygens, Christiaan
Ex typographia Adriani Vlacq
MDCLIX [1659]

9. Rings of Saturn
