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Your search found 257 books available for adoption.


Spiral, cover


Build and Access the Collection – $500
In the lead up to 1963’s March on Washington, several of the decade’s most prominent African American artists joined together in a collective called Spiral. Their efforts culminated in a two-day exhibition in June of 1965. This catalogue is the record of that exhibition; it features an illustrated...Read More
Spirit of St. Louis, cover

The Spirit of St. Louis Commemorative Issue

Preserve for the Future – $950
This 1967 commemorative newspaper issue documented the 40th anniversary of Charles Lindbergh’s 1927 solo flight across the Atlantic in the Spirit of St. Louis monoplane. It features photos of a replica of the Spirit of St. Louis and of pilot Frank Tallman, cofounder of Tallmantz Aviation, which...Read More
The stamp-fiends' raid

The Stamp-Fiends' Raid

Preserve for the Future – $650
This is a humourous classic donated by the late philatelist George Townsend Turner, a Smithsonian curator. During his lifetime, George Turner had the largest private philatelic library in the world. The illustrations, called 'perpetrations,' are drawings rendered by the author and are...Read More
The Story of Metals, cover

The Story of Metals

Build and Access the Collection – $250
Searching for a book on the history of metals? Then look no further than John Wadsworth William Sullivan’s The Story of Metals. Published in 1951 by the American Society of Metals as part of the Series for Self-Education, The Story of Metals offers an accessible glimpse into the evolution of the...Read More
Frontispiece from The Structure of the Wool Fibre

The Structure of the Wool Fibre

Preserve for the Future – $850
F. H. Bowman’s The Structure of the Wool Fibre and Its Relation to the Use of Wool for Technical Purposes is a seminal text in the history of vocational and technical education in Great Britain and here in the United States. This book is part of a series that, for the first time, examined ...Read More
Detail image of colors and illustration of lichen

Svenska Lafvarnas Färghistoria

Build and Access the Collection – $3,175
Johan Peter Westring (1753-1833), a Swedish physician and lichenologist, studied under Linnaeus at the University of Uppsala and continued his botanical interests while practicing as a medical doctor. This book of his explored lichens’ potential usefulness as dyes for textiles, and the hand-colored...Read More
Svenska spindlar

Svenska Spindlar

Build and Access the Collection – $3,150
A member of the minor Swedish nobility, Clerck was a friend and correspondent of Linnaeus. He studied spiders, publishing his identifications and analyses in the present work along with observations on their behavior. In Swedish and Latin, it describes and illustrates 70 species and is a classic of...Read More
Synopsis methodica stirpium britannicarum.

Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum

Build and Access the Collection – $1,750
Englishman John Ray (1627-1705) is considered by many to be the greatest naturalist of his day, and his works in the fields of botany and zoology are classics of pre-Linnean classification. The Synopsis methodica stirpium brittannicarum, in particular, was the standard botanical authority for many...Read More
Teresita Fernández: Wayfinding, cover

Teresita Fernández: Wayfinding

Build and Access the Collection – $250
This stunning book is the first comprehensive publication on the internationally renowned Cuban American artist Teresita Fernández. The idea of wayfinding—moving from place to place or even getting lost—is critical to understanding this artist’s body of work, which revolves around themes of...Read More
To Be Continued Unnoticed

To Be Continued Unnoticed

Build and Access the Collection – $4,500
Man Ray (1890-1976) was one of most important American modernist artists associated with both Dada and Surrealism. This catalog accompanied one of Man Ray's most important exhibitions in the United States and includes a signed lithograph. This copy is especially unique in that it is the artist's...Read More
