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Indians of North America

There 8 books available for adoption.

Behind Closed Doors: Stories from the Kamloops Residential Indian School

Behind Closed Doors

Build and Access the Collection - $350
The Kamloops Indian Residential School operated from 1893-1977 as part of Canada’s residential school system, near the traditional homelands of the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc people. Similar to U.S. government operated Indian boarding schools, both structures forcefully separated school aged children...Read More
Catalogue de la collection archéologique provenant des fouilles et explorations

Catalogue de la Collection Archéologique Provenant des Fouilles et Explorations

Build and Access the Collection - $2,750
This rare catalogue of an exhibition in Paris in 1883 – held by only six libraries in the U.S. – provides descriptions and brief historical explanations of 102 antiquities from Mexico and the Yucatan that famed French archaeologist Désiré Charnay (1828-1915) acquired during an expedition of...Read More
Plate from History of the Indian tribes of North America

History of the Indian Tribes of North America

Preserve for the Future - $6,100
Part of a three-volume collection of Native American biographies and strikingly vivid portraits, this publication contains some of the finest American lithography of the 19th century. Published from 1836 to 1844, Thomas McKenney, US Superintendent of Indian Trade, wanted to preserve "in the...Read More
Title and plate of Les Peintres Indiens d'Amerique, vol. 1

Les Peintres Indiens D'Amérique

Build and Access the Collection - $1,200
These two portfolio volumes — each available separately for adoption — contain 77 individual plates by Native American artists. The author Oscar Brousse Jacobson (1882-1966) a Swedish-born American was a painter himself and a collector of Native American art. He served as the director of the...Read More
Title and plate of Les Peintres Indiens d'Amerique, vol. 2

Les Peintres Indiens D'Amérique

Build and Access the Collection - $1,200
These two portfolio volumes — each available separately for adoption — contain 77 individual plates by Native American artists. The author Oscar Brousse Jacobson (1882-1966) a Swedish-born American was a painter himself and a collector of Native American art. He served as the director of the...Read More
Mohawks on the Nile

Mohawks on the Nile

Build and Access the Collection - $250
On August 20, 1884, Governor General of Canada, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, received an encrypted cablegram from the Colonial Office in London that requested “good voyageurs” for an expedition to Egypt on the Nile River. Specifically, England wanted Mohawk and Ojibway Indian men to guide...Read More
North American Indian costumes (1564-1950) v. 2

North American Indian Costumes (1564-1950)

Build and Access the Collection - $1,500
This portfolio volume (Vol. 2 of the work) contains 25 illustrations by the noted Native American artist Oscar Howe (Mazuha Hokshina). A Yanktonai Dakota artist trained at the Studio of Santa Fe Indian School, Dakota Wesleyan University, and University of Oklahoma. Howe is perhaps best known...Read More
Cover of Western Apache Material Culture

Western Apache Material Culture

Build and Access the Collection - $300
Together, the Goodwin and Guenther Collections in the Arizona State Museum form the most significant collection of Apache cultural materials dating from the mid-1800s to 1985. In the early 1930s, Grenville Goodwin came to Arizona to attend prep school, but instead was drawn to the Apaches and spent...Read More