Traitté des siéges et de l'attaque des places ; Traitté de la deffense des places
Sébastien Vauban (1633-1707) was the premier military engineer of his age
and revolutionized siege warfare. Vauban's manuscript dates towards later in
his life and his work to better fortify a number of French cities, from
around 1700-1707. The title of the manuscript Traitté des siéges et de
l'attaque des places: Traitté de la deffense des places roughly translates
to Treatise of sieges and the attack of places: Treatise of the defense of
places. The manuscript contains a letter from Vauban to the Duke of Burgundy,
and is divided into two parts with the first on attack of places and the
second on defense of places.
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