This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Architecture". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.


Image Gallery

Image from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur

Image from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur

Image from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur

Image from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur

Image from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur

Image from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur

Image from Entwurff einer historischen Architectur

Image from Italian villas and their gardens

Image from Italian villas and their gardens

Image from Italian villas and their gardens

Image from Italian villas and their gardens

Image from Italian villas and their gardens

Image from Sammlung architektonischer Entwürfe

Image from Sammlung architektonischer Entwürfe

Image from Sammlung architektonischer Entwürfe

Amphitheatre at Pola. Contra-forti

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Amphitheatre at Pola. Stair-case

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Amphitheatre at Pola. Basement

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

View of Pola and Amphitheatre

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

A Map of the Island of Delos.

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Amphitheatre at Pola. First Order

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Amphitheatre at Pola. First Order

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Amphitheatre at Pola. Second Order

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Amphitheatre at Pola. Second Order

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Temple of Rome & Augustus at Pola.

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Plan of the Antiquities of Athens.

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

A plan of the Acropolis

Image from The antiqvities of Athens

Image from The antiqvities of Athens v. 3

Image from The antiqvities of Athens v. 3

Image from The antiqvities of Athens v. 3

Image from The antiqvities of Athens v. 3

Image from The antiqvities of Athens v. 3

Image from The antiqvities of Athens v. 3

Image from The antiqvities of Athens v. 3

Image from The antiqvities of Athens v. 3

Ionic temple of the Ilissus. A view of the southward side of this temple in its present condition. Figures represent the Vaiwode, or Turkish governor...

Ionic temple of the Ilissus. The capital and base of one of the antae, with the different architraves which are employed in this building.

Ionic temple of the Ilissus. The capital and base of the columns, together with the entablature

Ionic temple of the Ilissus. The elevation of the portico

Ionic temple of the Ilissus. The plan, profile, and section of an angular capital belonging to this Ionic temple. Plan of the capital. Profile of the...

Ionic temple of the Ilissus. The section of the temple, lengthways. Portico, pronaos, noas (cell), posticus, antae

Ionic temple of the Ilissus. The south side of the temple

Jupiter and the two Dioscuri; perhaps Theseus; Hierophant, Mysta. Parthenon. Frieze

Kirche auf dem wedding bei Berlin. Kirche auf dem gesundbrunnen bei Berlin.

Kirche auf dem wedding bei Berlin. Kirche auf dem gesundbrunnen bei Berlin.

Kirche auf dem werderschen markt in Berlin.

Kirche auf dem werderschen markt in Berlin.

Kirche in der oranienburger vorstadt bei Berlin. Nach dem entwurf No. IV.

Kirche in der oranienburger vorstadt bei Berlin. Nach dem entwurf No. IV.

Kirche in der oranienburger vorstadt bei Berlin. Nach dem entwurf No. V.

Kirche in der oranienburger vorstadt bei Berlin. Nach dem entwurf No. V.

Kirche in der Oranienburger vorstadt bei Berline. Nach dem entwurf No. III.

Kirche in der Oranienburger vorstadt bei Berline. Nach dem entwurf No. III.


Cover of Ioannis-Baptistae Piranesii antiquariorum regiae societatis Londinensis socii De Romanorum magnificentia et architectura

Ioannis-Baptistae Piranesii antiquariorum regiae societatis Londinensis socii De Romanorum magnificentia et architectura

Cover of Italian villas and their gardens

Italian villas and their gardens
