This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Architecture". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.


Image Gallery

Mosquee que le Sultan Orcanus ... Mosquee qui est à Pest en Hongrie

Mosquee que le Sultan Orcanus ... Mosquee qui est à Pest en Hongrie

Amphitheatre at Pola. Basement Mouldings

Mouldings of the basement story. Cavetto, fascia.

Amphitheatre at Pola. Third Order

Mouldings of the third order. Plan of the gutters, section of cornice, plinth.

Arch of the Sergii at Pola.

Mouldings, pedestals

Mystae, Sciaphorae, or umbrella-bearers. Parthenon. Frieze

Neue schlossbrücke in Berlin.

Neue schlossbrücke in Berlin.

Obelisque de Marc Aurele

Obelisque de Marc Aurele

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada.

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. A Bacchante dancing and playing on a flute

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. A figure representing victory

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. A royal lady; perhaps Helen, the subject of a tragedy of Euripedes

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. A view of the Incantada.

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. Bacchante with a Thyrsus

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. Bacchus with a tiger. See the Bacchae of Euripedes

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. Ganymedes

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. Leda

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. Moulding of the attic, and two Macedonian medals

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. Telephus

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. The capital and entablature

Of a ruin at Salonicha, called the Incantada. The plan, elevation, and section, of the Incantada

Of an Ionic Colonade near the Lantern of Demosthenes. Base, capital, architrave, and frieze. Face of the architrave

Of an Ionic Colonade near the Lantern of Demosthenes. Elevation of the columns. Capital. Volute

Arch of the Sergii at Pola.

Outlines of the preceding plate with dimensions.

Temple of Rome and Augustus at Pola.

Outlines of the preceeding plate with the dimensions

Parthenon. Frieze

Parthenon. Frieze

From a Drawing made in 1683

Parthenon. Pediments. Frieze

From a Drawing made in 1683

Parthenon. Pediments. Frieze

Pediments of the Parthenon, as they were in 1683.

Parthenon. Pediments. Frieze

From a Drawing made in 1683

Parthenon. Pediments. Frieze

Parthenon. Sculpture on the metopes of the external frieze of the Temple. Centaur, Lapitha. Frieze

Parthenon. Sculpture on the metopes of the external frieze of the Temple. Centaur. Frieze

Parthenon. Sculpture on the metopes of the external frieze of the Temple. Combatants. Frieze

Parthenon. Sculpture on the metopes of the external frieze of the Temple. Frieze

Parthenon. Sculpture on the metopes of the external frieze of the Temple. Lapitha. Frieze

Parthenon. Sculpture on the metopes of the external frieze of the Temple. Pirithous, Gods, Centaurs, Theseus, Hercules. Frieze

Parthenon. The eleventh stones of the frieze of the cella on the north side of the temple. Frieze

Parthenon. The fifth and sixth stones on the of the frieze of the cella on the north side of the temple. Frieze

Parthenon. The first and second stones of the south side. Frieze

Parthenon. The fourth and fifth stones of the south side. Frieze

Parthenon. The fourth stone of the frieze of the cella on the north side of the temple. Frieze

Parthenon. The ninth and tenth stones of the frieze of the cella on the north side of the temple. Frieze

Parthenon. The seventh and eighth stones of the frieze of the cella on the north side of the temple. Frieze

Parthenon. The tenth and eleventh stones: these plates complete what remains of the sorth side. Frieze

Parthenon. The third stone of the south side. Frieze

Parthenon. The whole of the sculpture at the west end. Frieze

Parthenon. The whole of the sculpture at the west end. Frieze

Parthenon. The whole of the sculpture at the west end. Frieze


Cover of Old English doorways

Old English doorways

Cover of Original designs in architecture

Original designs in architecture c. 1
