This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Creek language". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Book Cesvs a oh vtes = Cesvs oh vyares Cokv Esvkvsvmkv Cokv vpastel Pal kelesvlke ohtotvte = English and Muskokee dictionary English and Muskokee dictionary Heeat oponaka hera Cane coeatetest, momen mata oponakan Cane tyfet, canetan liken, tepake maskoke ponaka escoeatetest Muskokee Gospels, Acts and Epistles Mvskoke nakcokv eskerretv esvhokkolat Mvskoke nakcokv eskerretv esvhokkolat Mvskoke nettvcako cokv-heckv cokv esyvhiketv Nakcokv es kerretv enhvteceskv Nakcokv es kerretv enhvtecskv = Nakcokv esyvhiketv Nakcokv esyvhiketv Nakcokv Moses coyvte enhvteceskv, Ceneses kihocat = Pu pucase momet pu hesayecv Cesvs Klist en Testement Mucvsat