This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Electricity". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.


Image Gallery

Terrapin Rock and Horse-Shoe Falls.

Terrapin Rock and Horse-Shoe Falls from Health and pleasure on America's greatest railroad.

A Magic Circle of Circles

A Magic Circle of Circles

Aeroplane parachute dropped from the Eiffel Tower from Popular electricity magazine in plain English.

Battleship's wireless room from Popular electricity magazine in plain English.

Broadway at City Hall from Popular electricity magazine in plain English.

Foldout plate II from Experiments and observations on electricity : made at Philadelphia in America

Harry Hong Sling and his wireless station amidst the skyscrappers of Chicago from Popular electricity magazine in plain English.

How the levitation act is performed from Popular electricity magazine in plain English.

Image from Experiments and observations on electricity

Image from Guilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, medici londinensis, De magnete

Man at work at a forge

Nothing is left undone to prevent spread of small-pox along the United States border from Popular electricity magazine in plain English.


Cover of Aloysii Galvani De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius

Aloysii Galvani De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius

Cover of An account of the late improvements in galvanism - with a series of curious and interesting experiments performed before the commissioners of the Fren

An account of the late improvements in galvanism

Cover of Diary


Cover of Die galvanische Kette

Die galvanische Kette

Cover of Electricity


Cover of Electricity [and] magnetism

Electricity [and] magnetism

Cover of Elettricismo atmosferico

Elettricismo atmosferico

Cover of Essai théorique et expérimental sur le galvanisme avec une série d'expériences faites en présence des Commissaires de l'Institut national de Fran

Essai théorique et expérimental sur le galvanisme

Cover of Experimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in acum magneticam

Experimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in acum magneticam

Cover of Experiments and observations on electricity

Experiments and observations on electricity

Cover of Experiments on animal electricity

Experiments on animal electricity

Cover of Fisica gener[a]le e sperim[enta]le

Fisica gener[a]le e sperim[enta]le

Cover of Guilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, medici londinensis, De magnete

Guilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, medici londinensis, De magnete

Cover of Identity of electricities derived from different sources ; Relation by measurement of common and voltaic electricity

Identity of electricities derived from different sources ; Relation by measurement of common and voltaic electricity

Cover of Institutiones physicae generalis et particularis

Institutiones physicae generalis et particularis

Cover of Letter


Cover of Mémoires sur l'action mutuelle de deux courans électriques, sur celle qui existe entre un courant électrique et un aimant ou le globe terrestre, et celle de deux aimans l'un sur l'autre. Lus à l'Académie royale des sciences

Mémoires sur l'action mutuelle de deux courans électriques, sur celle qui existe entre un courant électrique et un aimant ou le globe terrestre, et celle de deux aimans l'un sur l'autre. Lus à l'Académie royale des sciences

Cover of Mémoires sur l'électricité et la magnétisme

Mémoires sur l'électricité et la magnétisme

Cover of Michael Faraday letter to Sir Charles Lemon, dated R. Institution, 25 April 1834

Michael Faraday letter to Sir Charles Lemon, dated R. Institution, 25 April 1834

Cover of Nature of the electric force or forces ; Relation of the electric and magnetic forces ; Note on electrical excitation

Nature of the electric force or forces ; Relation of the electric and magnetic forces ; Note on electrical excitation

Cover of Notes of lectures delivered on natural philosophy, to the senior class of 1848 & '49

Notes of lectures delivered on natural philosophy, to the senior class of 1848 & '49

Cover of Notice of the character and direction of the electric force of the Gymnotus

Notice of the character and direction of the electric force of the Gymnotus c. 1

Cover of On a new law of electric conduction ; On conducting power generally

On a new law of electric conduction ; On conducting power generally

Cover of On an improved form of the voltaic battery ; Some practical results respecting the construction and use of the voltaic battery

On an improved form of the voltaic battery ; Some practical results respecting the construction and use of the voltaic battery

Cover of On electro-chemical decomposition

On electro-chemical decomposition

Cover of On electro-chemical decomposition, continued

On electro-chemical decomposition, continued

Cover of On induction

On induction

Cover of On induction, continued

On induction, continued

Cover of On induction, continued ; Nature of the electrical current

On induction, continued ; Nature of the electrical current

Cover of On new magnetic actions and on the magnetic condition of all matter

On new magnetic actions and on the magnetic condition of all matter c. 1

Cover of On new magnetic actions, and on the magnetic condition of all matter, continued

On new magnetic actions, and on the magnetic condition of all matter, continued c. 1

Cover of On the crystalline polarity of bismuth and other bodies

On the crystalline polarity of bismuth and other bodies c. 1

Cover of On the crystalline polarity of bismuth and other bodies

On the crystalline polarity of bismuth and other bodies c. 1

Cover of On the electricity evolved by the friction of water and steam against other bodies

On the electricity evolved by the friction of water and steam against other bodies c. 1

Illustration from On the electricity excited by the mere contact of conducting substances of different kinds

On the electricity excited by the mere contact of conducting substances of different kinds v.90:pt.2 (1800)

Cover of On the electricity of the voltaic pile

On the electricity of the voltaic pile

Cover of On the induction of electric currents ; On the evolution of electricity from magnetism ; On a new electrical condition of matter ; On Arago's Magnetic phenomena

On the induction of electric currents ; On the evolution of electricity from magnetism ; On a new electrical condition of matter ; On Arago's Magnetic phenomena

Cover of On the influence by induction of an electric current on itself

On the influence by induction of an electric current on itself
