This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Mechanical engineering". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Pages1 2 next › last » Image Gallery Ad Lectorem Ancient Firefighters from Les raisons des forces mouuantes auec diuerses machines tant vtilles que plaisantes Back cover, vellum Fountain from Les raisons des forces mouuantes auec diuerses machines tant vtilles que plaisantes Front Cover, Vellum Machinarvm Hvivsthca Plate 1 [Measuring instruments] Plate 10 [Stone and marble cutter] Plate 11 [Bellows and furnace] Plate 12 [Hand-cranked hammer] Plate 13 [Hand-cranked sawmill] Plate 14 [Hand-powered sawmill] Plate 15 [Handcart] Plate 16 [Horse-drawn Carriage] Plate 17 [Suspended horse-drawn carriage] Plate 18 [Spring operated pump] Plate 19 [Multi-liquid barrel and spigot] Plate 2 [Measuring instruments] Plate 20 [Dredge] Plate 21 [Dredge/grater] Plate 22 [Vertical pile driver] Plate 24 [Bridge piling] Plate 25 [Hand-cranked crushing mill] Plate 26 [Hand-cranked grist mill] Plate 27 [Hand-cranked grist mill] Plate 28 [Water-powered grist mill] Plate 29 [Musical instrument] Plate 3 [Drawing compass] Plate 30 [Hauling heavy objects] Plate 31 [Block and tackle] Plate 32 [Tugboats] Plate 33 [Three-tiller plow] Plate 34 [Calender] Plate 35 [Hand-cranked platform raiser] Plate 36 [Cargo crane] Plate 37 [Cargo crane] Plate 38 [Cargo crane] Plate 39 [Bucket chain for hauling earth] Plate 40 [Column and obelisk mover] Plate 41 [Smokeless chimney] Plate 41, foldout from Jacob. Leupold's Theatrum machinarum generale Plate 42 [Magnifying pulpit] Book Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering v. 1 Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering v. 2 Appletons' cyclopaedia of applied mechanics Vol. 1 Appletons' cyclopaedia of applied mechanics vol. 2 La forza della leva Les raisons des forces mouuantes auec diuerses machines tant vtilles que plaisantes Machine et instrumenti de piu celebratissimi autori Pages1 2 next › last »