This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Mechanical engineering". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 Image Gallery Plate 42, foldout from Jacob. Leupold's Theatrum machinarum generale Plate 43 [Windlass for well bucket] Plate 43, foldout from Jacob. Leupold's Theatrum machinarum generale Plate 44 [Endless chain of well buckets] Plate 45 [Elevator for mines] Plate 46 [Water-powered two-bucket pump] Plate 47 [Hand-powered well pump] Plate 48 [Water-powered pump] Plate 49 [Lever-operated pump] Plate 5 [Drawing compass] Plate 50 [Windmill pump] Plate 51 [Wind-powered fountain] Plate 52 [Fire engine] Plate 58 [Raising a sunken ship] Plate 6 [Drawing compass] Plate 60 [Lever-driven ship with bifurcated hull] Plate 7 [Lathe] Plate 8 [Lathe] Plate 9 [Lathe] Privilige du Roy Schematics of House and Garden from Les raisons des forces mouuantes auec diuerses machines tant vtilles que plaisantes Sig. C3 Title page, with engraved device Book Theatre des instrumens mathematiques & mechaniques Theatri machinarum hydraulicarum tomus I [-II], oder, Schau-Platz der Wasser-Künste Theatrum instrumentorum et machinarum Iacobi Bessoni Theatrum instrumentorum et machinarum Iacobi Bessoni Delphinatis, mathematici ingeniosissimi Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2