This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Plants". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.

Image Gallery


Aloe from Kreuterbuch.

Balsamine prima

Balsamine prima from De historia stirpium commentarii insignes

Blue cover of Franz & Neuner, Inc. floral catalogue

Porrum sectivum

Botanical Herb from De historia stirpium commentarii insignes

Brilliant winter blooming bulbs from John A. Salzer's catalogue of plants and seeds, 1895

Chrysanthemums from Nanz & Neuner's floral catalogue

Cucumer marinus

Cucumer marinus from De historia stirpium commentarii insignes

Didynamia Angiospermia.  Gerardia.

Didynamia Angiospermia. Gerardia.

Front cover of Plant and seed guide, 1894

Gerardia quercifolia.

Gerardia quercifolia.

Odontoglossum blunti.

Odontoglossum blunti from Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe : Annales générales d'horticulture.

Orchids. Palms. Ferns. Roses.

Orchids. Palms. Ferns. Roses.

Papaver erraticum primum

Papaver erraticum primum from De historia stirpium commentarii insignes

Plantago minor

Plantago minor from De historia stirpium commentarii insignes

Princeps heroicus Stichius.

Princeps heroicus Stichius from Sammlung exotischer Schmetterlinge.

Red cover of Franz & Neuner, Inc. floral catalogue, Fall 1898

Red cover of Franz & Neuner, Inc. floral catalogue, Fall 1898

Rose Hill nurseries

Rose Hill nurseries from New and rare and beautiful plants

Six little siskins.

Six little siskins from The birds of Washington.

Strawberries from Nanz & Neuner, inc. floral catalogue

Sweet peas and pansies from C. E. Allen plant and seed guide

View of nurseries from Nanz & Neuner, inc. floral catalogue

Wheat from John A. Salzer's catalogue of plants and seeds


Cover of Charles Darwin letter to John Stevens Henslow, dated 3 November 1838

Charles Darwin letter to John Stevens Henslow, dated 3 November 1838

Cover of De historia stirpium commentarii insignes

De historia stirpium commentarii insignes

Cover of De plantis libri XVI

De plantis libri XVI

Cover of Die mutationstheorie. Versuche und beobachtungen über die entstehung von arten im pflanzenreich,

Die mutationstheorie v. 1

Cover of Die mutationstheorie. Versuche und beobachtungen über die entstehung von arten im pflanzenreich,

Die mutationstheorie v. 2

Cover of Experiments upon vegetables

Experiments upon vegetables

Cover of Flora Americae Septentrionalis, or, A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America v.2 (1814)

Flora Americae Septentrionalis, or, A systematic arrangement and description of the plants of North America v.2 (1814)

Cover of Letter


Cover of Pressed flowers album

Pressed flowers album

Cover of Studies in plant and organic chemistry

Studies in plant and organic chemistry

Cover of Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum

Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum

Cover of Vermischte Schriften botanischen Inhalts

Vermischte Schriften botanischen Inhalts

Cover of Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricii Bononiensis Monstrorum historia

Vlyssis Aldrouandi patricii Bononiensis Monstrorum historia