African History Primary tabsAll(active tab) Books Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Books Explorations in South Africa La Guinée portugaise Travels and discoveries in North and... History of Africa south of the Zambesi... The map of Africa by treaty v. 3 The Belgian Congo and the Berlin act Une visite à l'empereur Ménélick Missionary travels and researches in... The last journals of David Livingstone... Great Britain and the Congo The map of Africa by treaty v. 2 History of Africa south of the Zambesi Documents sur l'histoire, la... A narrative of four journeys into the... L'Afrique equatoriale illustrée A mission to Gelele, king of Dahome v. 2 A tour in South Africa Dr Livingstone's Cambridge lectures Mungo Park's travels Dahomé, Niger, Touareg Les coutumes indigènes de la Còte d... Gefahrvolle Fahrten Reisebilder aus Liberia Bd. 2 History of South Africa v. 1 Previous Next Images Cover of Egypt; handbook for travellers Marbled rear cover of Voyage à la còte... Centre Rock Fall, and the eastern... Trade card: Henry M. Stanley, African... Olyphant The Third Pyramid The Dahabiyeh "The Seven Hathors... A view of Capetown, Table Bay &... Bangala. Congo spears. A Tuarick on his Maherrie Armes et Ustensiles de Diverses... View of Stanley Pool..., 14th May 1886... Image from Guide to Rhodesia for the... Cover of Egypt: ancient sites and... Native hut & garden; Stanley Pool... The Wild Ass Euphorbia. Part of the stem and flowers. The Falls from the narrow neck near the... Stamped cloth cover featuring... Hunter's camp on the Somokwe River The Female Giraffe or Camelopardalis Temple of the Sphinx at Ghizeh Rhinoceros volgens deze beschryving [... Farm "Strobel und Marquardt"... Previous Next Exhibitions The Art of African Exploration Artists' Books and Africa Nile Notes of a Howadji: American... Digital Collections Modern African Art: A Basic Reading... Monographs on African Artists: An...