Images related to African History Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 101 - 150 of 157. Show 10 | 50 | 100 results per page. Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 next › last » Stanley Pool..., 4th Feb. 1886 Stylized map of the Nile (before p. 1) Temple of the Sphinx at Ghizeh The Birth of Civilization - A Message from the Sea The Castle of Morzouk The Cleopatra The Dahabiyeh "The Seven Hathors" The Falls by sunrise, with the "spray cloud"... The Falls from the east end of the chasm to Garden Island The Falls from the narrow neck near the eastern headland of... The Falls from the western end of the chasm The Female Giraffe or Camelopardalis The flowers of the Aloe dichotoma, or Quiver tree. The Guide to South and East Africa The hurried sketch at the bottom of the page depicts an... The ivory porter The Lake Regions of Central Africa The leaping water or westernmost cataract The leaves of the Aloe dichotoma, or Quiver tree. The Life & Explorations of Dr. Livingstone The Life & Labors of Livingstone The profile cliff, narrow gorge and torrent of the Zambesi The Retreat of the Salisbury Scouts The Rhodesia Horse Encounter the Matabeles The Stanley & African Exhibition Catalogue The Temple of Rameses III at Medinet Habu (plan) The Third Pyramid The trunk of the Aloe dichotoma, or Quiver tree. The Victoria Falls The Wild Ass The Wooden Man [6,000 Years Old] The World's greatest Explorers... (biographical info,... Thomas Baines was a talented artist, well known for his... Three obelisks from Della trasportatione dell'obelisco... Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title page from Notice sur le voyage de M. Lelorrain, en... Title page of Cairo and Egypt: a practical handbook for... Title page, with inscription, "The Howadji's Aunt... Trade card: Henry M. Stanley, African Explorer Transporting obelisks from Della trasportatione dell'... Travel into the interior parts of Africa Tripoli Costume Tsetse Fly Types et Costumes de Femmes du Fouta-Djalon Victoria Falls & Environs Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 next › last »