Images related to Domestic Animals Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 1 - 24 of 64. Show 10 | 50 results per page. Pages1 2 3 next › last » 1. Love-Bird Parrakeet or Red-Headed Love-Bird. 2.... Belgian canary from The canary Bid perching on a branch Bird illustration on title page of The American bird fancier Borden's Condensed Milk Co. 1904 Worlds Fair exhibit Borden's Condensed Milk Co. cans Borden's Condensed Milk Co. factories, offices, and... Cover of Canaries and cage birds Cover of Chicago Horse Clipping Machines catalog Cover of The canary Description in detail of ' 98 Chicago Clipper Description of New Chicago 1902 Clipping Machine E pluribus unum : the story of an eagle E pluribus unum : the story of an eagle Eagle Eagle and nest; lion being attached by Eagle Eagle flying over seascape Eagle with nest and thirteen eggs representing the 13... European Goldfinch, Norwich Canary (clear yellow) Natural... Extractor elevated on a hive body from The ABC and XYZ of... Five friends on a see-saw: Scotland from The book of dogs;... German publisher with English translation Handwritten presentation page Honors and Awards medals Illustration and description Pages1 2 3 next › last »