Exhibitions related to Economics and Commerce

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2.

Make the Dirt Fly! Building the Panama Canal

Make the Dirt Fly! Building the Panama Canal

For hundreds of years people dreamed of linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans across the narrow neck of land connecting North and South America–the Panama Canal. In 1904, the U.S. government embarked on the largest civil engineering project in history, and today, after more than eight decades of efficient operation, the Panama Canal remains a symbol of human creativity, persistence, and achievement.

BW photo of post man half sitting in US Mail cart

Parcel Post: Delivery of Dreams

The National Postal Museum Library has a rich collection of books concerning the history of parcel post in the United States. The establishment of parcel post in 1913 had a tremendously stimulating effect on the national economy; it opened a world of opportunities for both farmers and merchants alike.