Images related to Horticulture and Gardening Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 451 - 500 of 558. Show 10 | 50 | 100 | 250 results per page. Pages« first ‹ previous … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 next › last » Roses, nurseries, and Charles Dingee Roses, rainbow and waterfall from Wilson's 16 annual... Roses: Star of gold, Pres. Carnot, Enchantress, Princess... Ross Bro's. Co. Seeds and Agricultural Goods. Royal church red raspberry from Green's Nursery co.... Scene in Belle Isle Park, Detroit Search Ends Burpee Pays $10,000 for White Marigold. Seed warehouse, fruits and vegetables from Benson Maule and... Seeding Tuberous Rooted Begonias Southampton, L.I. Mrs. Peter B. Wyckoff. Storing cabbage for seed from Harris' rural annual 1900 Strawberries from Burpee's farm annual: garden, farm,... Strawberries from Nanz & Neuner, inc. floral catalogue Strawberries, peaches, and plums from Catalogue of money... Strawberry musk melon, spot cash tomato, chief cauliflower... Street market scene from 1897 Robert Evans & co. Suburban Home Grounds. Summer flowering bulbs and lilies from Illustrated... Swallows, fruits, and vegetables from Cole's garden... Sweepstakes to name the new squash from Catalogue of home... Sweet pea, Aster, Nasturtium, Dianthus flowers from Trade... Sweet peas and Japanese morning glories from Vegetable,... Sweet peas and pansies from C. E. Allen plant and seed guide Sweet peas and pansies from Cole's garden, farm &... Sweet peas and pansies from the 1896 Albany seed store... Sweet peas and roamer roses from Complete catalogue of... Sweet peas and roses from Alneer Brothers seed & plant... Sweet peas from Cole's garden annual Sweet peas from D. M. Ferry & Co. seed annual Sweet peas from Flowers from seeds Sweet peas from Manual of everything for the garden, 1896 Sweet peas from Maule's seed catalogue, 1896 Sweet peas from Mitchell's highest quality seeds, 1898 Sweet peas from Perry Seed Store annual catalogue, 1896 Sweet peas from Special advertisement of Burpee's... Sweet peas from Unique list of the best seeds that grow,... Sweet peas from Vick's little gem catalogue, 1899 Sweet peas from Wm. Henry Maule seed catalogue Sweet peas, watermelon, and a variety of vegetables of... Sweet potato and corn from Huntington & Page tested... The "Memorial" Rose from Manual of everything for... The $1600 Tomato from Maule's seed catalogue for 1887 The American Peerless Dictionary from The American garden. The Chinese lantern plant from Our new guide, 1897 The famous Rocky Ford melon from Burpee's new annual,... The Lorentz peach from Everything for the fruit grower The scarlet Mexican lily from Our new guide, 1897 The Storrs & Harrison Co. The Story of the War Garden. The wonderful Freeman potato from Illustrated catalogue of... Pages« first ‹ previous … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 next › last »