Machinery Primary tabsAll(active tab) Books Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Books Theatre des instrumens mathematiques... Journal of domestic appliances v.14 (... The servant in the house Journal of domestic appliances v.18 (... Elements of mechanism Catalogue of New South Wales exhibits Journal of domestic appliances On the economy of machinery and... Theatrum instrumentorum et machinarum... Locomotive dictionary Theatrum instrumentorum et machinarum... Miscellaneous U.S. elevator patents 1 v... Journal of domestic appliances v.13 (... The sewing machine Journal of domestic appliances v.11 (... Sewing machine gazette Vol. 9, no. 131... Journal of domestic appliances v.20-v.... Theatri machinarum hydraulicarum tomus... A companion to the air pump Journal of domestic appliances v.12 (... Journal of domestic appliances v.19 (... Journal of domestic appliances v.10 (... Journal of domestic appliances (1905:... Journal of domestic appliances v.15 (... Previous Next Images Plate 16 [Horse-drawn Carriage] Plate 40 [Column and obelisk mover] Plate 5: Original Sewing Machine, Made... Schematics of House and Garden from... Plate 8: Original model of U.S. Patent... Plate 20 [Dredge] Plate 41 [Smokeless chimney] Plate 51 [Wind-powered fountain] Sig. C3 Plate 4: Allen Benjamin Wilson Plate 13 [Hand-cranked sawmill] Streamline design Plate 49 [Lever-operated pump] Plate 21 [Dredge/grater] Plate 48 [Water-powered pump] Plate 3: Isaac Merrit Singer Plate 47 [Hand-powered well pump] Plate 41, foldout from Jacob. Leupold... Plate 6 [Drawing compass] Plate 7 [Lathe] Ancient Firefighters from Les raisons... Plate 2: Elias Howe, Jr. Plate 50 [Windmill pump] Fountain from Les raisons des forces... Previous Next Exhibitions Instruments for Science Digital Collections Sewing Machines: Historical Trade... Trade Literature Collection Instruments for Science