Manuscripts Primary tabsAll(active tab) Books Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Books Alberto magno delle virtu dele herbe... Max Planck letter to the Allied... Letter Letter Letters Letter Letter Papers Letter Letter Check Essai d'histoire de la physique,... Beredeneerd onderwijs in de wiskunde Drawing Petit traitté de la fortification... Papers Papers Papers Journal of Captain William Sturgis of... Guglielmo Marconi letter to Giuseppe... Benjamin Franklin letter to Lord Kames... Un modo breve & facili per far gl... Letter Letters Previous Next Images Measuring Instruments from Traité de... Giovanni Domenico Cassini letter dated... Mathematics from Mary Smith's... Giovanni Domenico Cassini letter dated... Campement près de Boungué - 16 février... Spiral pattern from Navigazione Christiaan Huygens letter dated 25 Sept... Clipping on p.2 of the Journal de marche Hand drawn grids from Gründtlicher... Christiaan Huygens letter dated 25 Sept... Set of Tools from Mr. Desaugulier'... Giovanni Domenico Cassini letter dated... Patent No. 203,412 from Patents granted... Un coin du village de Mobongou - 22... Image from Escadrille N. 124 journal de... Drawing for Patent No. 376,630 from... Camp. de Boungué - Camp des Sénégalais... Loose photo Calculations on back of a Giovanni... Back of loose photo Manuscript Previous Next Exhibitions Incunabula in the Dibner Library of the... Voyages: A Smithsonian Libraries... Digital Collections There's no digital collections tagged with Manuscripts...