Images related to Motor Vehicles Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 1 - 50 of 99. Show 10 | 50 results per page. Pages1 2 next › last » 1953 Studebaker Champion Regal 1953 Studebaker Champion Regal 1953 Studebaker Commander 1953 Studebaker Land Cruiser Change Speed Mechanism from Peerless Motor Cars 1910 Chassis and chassis mechanism Combination Wagon Completed rocket from Rockets. Cord Cabriolet - Enclosed Cord Cabriolet - From the rear Cord Cabriolet - Open Cord Phaeton Sedan - Enclosed Cord Phaeton Sedan - Open Cord Sedan for five Description of 1910 Peerless Cars (car by lake and house) description of equipment, chassis equipment, and extra... Engine - Exhaust Side, Intake Side Front cover from Peerless Motor Cars 1910 front cover of catalog Front cover of Waverly electric automobiles catalog, 1899 Hawk series by Studebaker Hawk styling history of Peerless Motor Car Co. (cars in front of... Image from World champion Studebaker president eight with... Image from World champion Studebaker president eight with... Image from World champion Studebaker president eight with... Image from World champion Studebaker president eight with... Image from World champion Studebaker president eight with... Image from World champion Studebaker president eight with... Image from World champion Studebaker president eight with... Indian Motorcycle 1916 introduction (car driving down road) Introduction from Peerless Motor Cars 1910 Lamp Eqiupment for Model 27 Four-cylinder Cars and Victoria... Light-Six five-passenger Sedan Light-Six three-passenger Roadster Light-Six two-passenger Coupe-Roadster Man driving car and woman sitting on porch from Peerless... Mechanical features Mechanical features Mechanical features Mechanical features Merchandise Delivery Model 27, Chassis, Plan View from Peerless Motor Cars 1910 Model 27, Four-cyinder Thirty Horse-power Landaulet from... Model 27, Four-cylinder Thirty Horse-power Close Coupled... Model 27, Four-cylinder Thirty Horse-power Limousine from... Model 27, Four-cylinder Thirty Horse-power Pony Tonneau... Model 27, Four-cylinder Thirty Horse-power Roadster Model 27, Thirty Horse-power Motor from Peerless Motor Cars... Pages1 2 next › last »