Books related to Music Primary tabsAll Books(active tab) Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 1 - 100 of 392. Show 10 | 50 | 100 | 250 results per page. Pages1 2 3 4 next › last » "D'Rennerbub'n" "Glück ab." 4 polkas for the piano forte A hummer A hundred years from now A hymn for aviators / the words by Mary C.D. Hamilton ; the... A modern lullaby A trip to the moon A trip to the moon A trip to the moon A true mirror of sound Accellerationen Aces high Aces high Aereotreno Aerial flight Aero travelers = Aeroplane Aeroplane Aeroplane dip Aeroplane duet Aéroplane captif Aëroplane Afro-American folksongs Ahmed at Kamel [i.e. Ahmed al Kamel] Air king Airship "Cannonball" is leaving Airship march = Allzeit bereit! American conquest American patrol Amor-Walzer An aerial flight Auf! In's XX. Jahrhundert Aurora Aviatiker-Marsch Aviation rag Aviation waltz Baby's airship Ballooning, or, Up amongst the stars Battle in the sky Battle of the Marne Battle of the Marne Battle of the nations Battle of Waterloo Bird-man on high Birds of passage Black and tan fantasy : fox-trot Black and white photograph of African elephant herd in... Black and white photograph of porters carrying an elephant... Black and white photograph of Theodore Roosevelt, with the... Boelckes letzte Fahrt Britannia must rule the air Cabin and plantation songs Calais-Douvres Chanson sur le globe aëorostatique Cloud kisser Cloud kisser Coliseum grand march Come Josephine in my flying machine Come Josephine in my flying machine Come Josephine in my flying machine Come Josephine in my flying machine Come Josephine in my flying machine Come over Come to my castles, love Come up in my balloon Come, take a trip in my air ship Dangerous blues Dans les cieux Dat heabenly balloon Davy Jones and his monoplane Dawn of the century Der Adler von Lille Der Adler von Lille Deutscher Luftschiffer-Marsch Défilé des nations Die Geschichte von der Post Dill pickles Dr. Arne Dr. Eckener-Marsch Drop me down in Dixie Durch die Lüfte Durch die Lüfte Durch Wolken, Wind und Wetter Ein Aeroplanflug durch die lustige Welt Eine Ballonfahrt En ballon En dirigeable En luftfart med Maagen En ré-tur til kometen Eole Etrich-Marsch Ev'rybody ought to know how to do the tickle toe Ev'rybody ought to know how to do the tickle toe Excelsior Farvel 89 Fledermaus-Polka Flieger-Marsch Flieger-Marsch Pages1 2 3 4 next › last »