Images related to Pharmacy Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 1 - 14 of 14. Show 10 results per page. Apffel Colored engravings of plants from Kleines Distillierbuch Colored engravings of plants from Kleines Distillierbuch Colored engravings of plants from Kleines Distillierbuch Colored engravings of plants including anthropomorphic... Engraving of doctors around a patient from Kleines... Figure and distillery from Kleines Distillierbuch Hand-colored plate with two figures from from Kleines... Image from [Gart der Gesundheit] Incipit and engraved plate including a figure at a pulpit... Two figures examining jars, and early pharmacy from Kleines... Various distillation vessels from Kleines Distillierbuch Various distillation vessels from Kleines Distillierbuch winged chameleon called gamaleon