Aratou Soleōs Phainomēna kai Diosēmeia. Theōnos scholia. Eratosthenous Katasterismoi. Metron tēs gēs Peripherias. Tou kubou diplasiasmos. Koskinon. Tou Neilou pēgai. Tou kanonos tomē. Dionysiou hymnoi. Accesserunt annotationes in Eratosthe
86. Eratosthenes, a director of the great Library at Alexandria, is best
remembered for his calculation of the circumference of the Earth. He did this
by noticing the difference in the angles of shadows cast by gnomons at
Alexandria and Syene. His result is remarkably close to our modern value.
This work is based on a manuscript containing fragments of texts by
Eratosthenes and others and was edited and annotated by John Fell of Oxford.