Carl Wilhelm Scheele's d. Königl. Schwed. Acad. d. Wissenschaft. Mitgliedes, Chemische Abhandlung von der Luft und dem Feuer

Scheele, Carl Wilhelm; Bergman, Torbern
Verlegt von Magn. Swederus, Buchhändler, zu finden bey S.L. Crusius, 1777
41. Oxygen Independently Discovered Scheele independently discovered oxygen in 1772 and described the new gas in this work. He is rarely given credit for the discovery, however, because he published his results well after Priestley did.
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41. Oxygen Independently Discovered

Scheele independently discovered oxygen in 1772 and described the new gas in this work. He is rarely given credit for the discovery, however, because he published his results well after Priestley did.