Adopted Books

Displaying 871 - 880 of 970 adopted books..


Oryktographia norica, sive rerum fossilium et ad minerale regnum pertinentium....

Oryktographia Norica

By Johann Jakob Baier. Norimbergae: Impensis Wolfgangi Michahellis, bibliopolae, 1708.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Alan R. Kabat

On the Origin of Species

On the Origin of Species

By Charles Darwin. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1860.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Charles and Candace Cowan

Farbige Räume und Bauten...  (Colored buildings and spaces)

Farbige Räume und Bauten

Stuttgart: Verlag G. Siegle & Co., G.M.B.H., 1929?.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Carl Wayne Smith

De Negerstaat van Hayti of Sint Domingo

De Negerstaat Van Hayti of Sint Domingo

Amsterdam: G.A. Dierderichs en zoon, 1821.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Richard Anderson and William Hopkins

Washington Described

Philp's Washington Described

New York: Rudd & Carleton; ..., 1861.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Francine Berkowitz and Judith Anderson

Tricks with Cards

Tricks With Cards

New York: Excelsior Publishing House, McKeon & Schofield, proprietors, 1893.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Jerry Birchmore

Der moderne Raum - neue Malereien (Modern spaces- New painting)

Der Moderne Raum

By Paul Grohmann. Dresden: Verlag Kunstanstalt Stengel, 1928.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Marilyn Charles and Reuben Simmons

Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. Ein systematisches Verzeichniss, mit beygesetzen Preisen der Vorräthe.

Coleoptera und Lepidoptera

By Georg Dahl. Wien: Gedruckt bey J. E. Akkermann, 1823.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by James G. Mead

A narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his family.

A Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and His Family

By William Walton. Philadelphia, printed; London: Reprinted and sold by James Phillips ..., 1790.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Karen Birchmore

The Westover manuscripts- Containing the history of the dividing line betwixt Virginia and North first published.

The Westover Manuscripts

By William Byrd. Petersburg [Va.]: Edmund and Julian C. Ruffin, 1841.

Adopted on January 13, 2014 by Thomas Jorstad
