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There 6 books available for adoption.

Algorithmus linealis numerationem additionem subtractionem duplationem, mediationem, multiplicationem, divisionem, et progessionem una cum regula de tri per stringens.

Algorithmus Linealis Numeratione[m]

Build and Access the Collection - $6,400
One of the earliest treatises on calculation by the aid of counters on an abacus. In the dedication, Heinrich Stromer von Auerbach (1482-1542) refers to Aristotle and Boethius. There is a brief introduction on the use of counters or projectiles, then the work covers addition, subtraction,...Read More
Beschreibung eines Ellipsograph

Beschreibung Eines Ellipsograph

Build and Access the Collection - $800
A superb monograph on the theory, construction and use of a mechanical drawing device to describe ellipses. The author, Georg Friedrich Parrot (1767 – 1852) was a German scientist, the first rector of the Imperial University of Dorpat (University of Tartu), being elected by the University Council...Read More
De infinitis infinitorum, et infinite parvorum ordinibus disquisitio geometrica

De Infinitis Infinitorum, et Infinite Parvorum Ordinibus Disquisitio Geometrica

Build and Access the Collection - $3,000
Bound with: Grandi, Guido. Prostasis ad exceptiones Cl. Varignonii libro de infinitis infinitorum ordinibus oppositas... Pisis : Ex typographia Francisci Bindi..., 1713. Grandi, Guido. Dialoghi del p.m. Grandi Camaldolese teologo, e matematico dell'Altezza Reale di Toscana... In Lucca : Ad...Read More
De natura et veritate methodi fluxionum...

De Natura et Veritate Methodi Fluxionum

Build and Access the Collection - $700
A scarce copy of Daniel Melander's (1726-1810) dissertation on the rival claims and speculations that led to a concrete understanding of the nature and beauty of calculus. Melander was a student at Uppsala and later became lecturer in physics and professor of astronomy. In 1782 he moved to...Read More
Geometriae pars universalis- inserviens quantitatum curvarum transmutationi & mensurae.

Geometriae pars Universalis

Build and Access the Collection - $9,500
Three major works of Scottish mathematician and astronomer James Gregory (1638-1675) who discovered infinite series representations for a number of trigonometry functions, although he is mostly remembered for his description of the first practical reflecting telescope, now known as the...Read More
Herrn Georgii Galgemairs kurtzer gründlicher gebesserter unnd vermehrter underricht

Herrn Georgii Galgemairs Kurtzer Gründlicher Gebesserter unnd Vermehrter Underricht

Build and Access the Collection - $3,850
Second, greatly expanded edition of a primer describing the construction & use of two instruments — a proportional compass (Circkel) and lineal compass (Schregmäß) — for the measurement of geometrical solids and lines, respectively. This 1615 edition is ninety-five pages longer than the initial...Read More