Books Available Alphabetically

Natural History

There 8 books available for adoption.

Catalogue d'une tres-belle collection des objets de troise regnes de la nature...

Catalogue d'une tres-belle collection des objets de troise regnes de la nature...

Build and Access the Collection - $5,500
This is the auction catalogue of one of the most impressive private collections of natural-history specimens ever formed. Pasquay (1719-77) was a physician in Frankfurt and privy councilor of Anhalt-Dessau; he formed the collection over many years, assembling more than 9000 specimens of minerals,...Read More
Catalogus variorum exoticorum rarissimorum maximam partem incognitorum et nullibi...

Catalogus Variorum Exoticorum Rarissimorum Maximam Partem Incognitorum et Nullibi...

Build and Access the Collection - $3,160
This is an extremely rare catalogue of a private natural-history collection in the early 18th century, not held by any other library in North America. Abraham Vater (1684-1751) was a German physician and professor of medicine and anatomy at the University of Wittenberg. In that connection he also...Read More
Der Conservator oder prakitische Anleitung, Naturalien aller Reiche zu sammeln, zu conserviren und fur wissenschaftliche Zwecke...Mineralien und Pflanzen versehen.

Der Conservator oder Prakitische Anleitung, Naturalien Aller Reiche zu Sammeln, zu Conserviren und fur Wissenschaftliche Zwecke

Build and Access the Collection - $1,450
This is a manual for collecting, preserving, and organizing natural-history specimens: specifically, the arrangement of a mineral collection, organizing a botanical collection and creating an herbarium, and the conservation of zoological exhibits. These subjects form one of the Cullman Library's...Read More
The Ecology of Atlantic Shorelines

The Ecology of Atlantic Shorelines

Build and Access the Collection - $250
Even as our understanding of ecological systems evolve, there are touchstone texts that lay the foundations of our understanding. Ecology of Atlantic Shorelines by Mark Bertness is such a touchstone for these unique coastal ecosystems. Covering coastal geology and the ecology of coastal...Read More
Epistola de praecipuis naturae et artis curiosis speciminibus musei...

Epistola de Praecipuis Naturae et Artis Curiosis Speciminibus Musei

Build and Access the Collection - $1,250
The natural history rare book collection includes a growing body of publications describing, cataloging, illustrating, and/or discussing early natural history cabinets and specimen collections. They are important to scientific researchers for identifying collections and individual specimens that...Read More
Handbuch fur Naturaliensammler oder grundliche Anweisung die Naturkorper aller drei Reiche zu sammeln,...

Handbuch fur Naturaliensammler oder Grundliche Anweisung die Naturkorper Aller Drei Reiche zu sammeln,...

Build and Access the Collection - $920
Held by only one other library in North America, this book is a guide to collecting and preserving natural-history specimens. Thon (1792-1838) provides thorough and detailed instructions on the collecting, preparing, and stuffing of all manner of mammals, reptiles, birds, and insects, as well as...Read More
cover: Pattern and process in desert ecosystems

Pattern and Process in Desert Ecosystems

Build and Access the Collection - $300
This book is a collection of chapters, each written by experts in their ecological discipline. It covers the role of both insects and vertebrate animals (those with a backbone) in desert ecosystems, how nutrients move through the system (‘nutrient cycling’ is a hot topic for those who study...Read More
Sonoran Desert Summer John Alcock

Sonoran Desert Summer

Build and Access the Collection - $300
John Alcock is a behavioral ecologist and professor at Arizona State University.  He writes in a very approachable style (similar to more popular and famous biologists like Stephen Jay Gould and E.O. Wilson) that splendidly reveals his passion and appreciation of desert life as a naturalist to...Read More