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United States History

There 7 books available for adoption.

Cover of the Lion of Anacostia

Frederick Douglass in Washington, D.C.

Build and Access the Collection - $300
This book covers the final 18 years of Frederick Douglass’ life when he lived in a mansion on top of Cedar Hill in Anacostia, a neighborhood of Washington, D.C. The author is a graduate of George Washington University, a prominent university in Washington, D.C. The book is filled with black and...Read More
Cover of Frederick Douglass: Freedom's Voice

Frederick Douglass: Freedom's Voice

Build and Access the Collection - $250
This book was written by Dr. Gregory Lampe, a retired provost and vice chancellor for academic and student affairs, and emeritus communications professor at Michigan State University. Since Douglass was an orator, it seems fitting for a communications and speech professor to write about his...Read More
Cover of Gullah Culture in America

Gullah Culture in America

Build and Access the Collection - $250
The book’s purpose is to take us behind-the-scenes so we can see what it’s like to grow up and live life in the Gullah community. Sayings such as “dog got four feet but can’t walk but one road” are uniquely Gullah. This translates to “you can only do one thing at a time.” The book has black adn...Read More
Cover of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Build and Access the Collection - $250
This book is only 75 pages long, but is full of valuable information about Frederick Douglass (1818-1895). It is an unabridged republication of his 1845 autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. In it, Douglass describes, in unflinching honesty, the...Read More
Cover of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Build and Access the Collection - $250
This autobiography/memoir covers the life of abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass. Its text is preceded by an introduction from Dr. John Blassingame: Yale graduate, Yale professor, and pioneer in the study of American slavery. After the text, there are about fifty pages of historical...Read More
Cover of Unbound and Unbroken

Unbound and Unbroken

Build and Access the Collection - $250
This book is a treasure trove of color portraits and photographs depicting the life of Frederick Douglass. It is an inspiring work of art divided into ten chapters tracing the highlights of his life from slavery to full citizenship. Because it was published recently, the back of the book offers...Read More
Cover of Fight for Freedom

Young Frederick Douglass

Build and Access the Collection - $250
This quick read is directed at teenagers. It is full of powerful black and white sketches. This book shares the fascinating story of Frederick Douglass's young life as well as trials that today's teens can relate to: young Fred’s early life, the deaths of his loved ones, changing his last name...Read More