This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Astronomy". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events. Pages1 2 3 next › last » Image Gallery "Around the projectile were the objects which had been thrown out" in From the Earth to the Moon "Diana and Satellite" in From the Earth to the Moon "I could have ventured out on the top of the projectile" in From the Earth to the Moon "Light and heat; all life is contained in them" in From the Earth to the Moon "Michel Ardan" in From the Earth to the Moon "Tampa Town after the undertaking" in From the Earth to the Moon "Tampa Town previous to the undertaking" in From the Earth to the Moon "The arrival of the projectile at Stone's Hill" in From the Earth to the Moon "The arrival of the projectile at Stone's Hill" in From the Earth to the Moon "The gas caught fire" in From the Earth to the Moon "The interior of the projectile" from From the Earth to the Moon "The Rodman Columbiad" in From the Earth to the Moon "The sun chose to be of the party" in From the Earth to the Moon "The vapor of our breath will fall in snow around us" in From the Earth to the Moon "White all, Barbicane" in From the Earth to the Moon 3 initials on a page from Johann Müller Regiomontanus (1436-1476)Kalendarium (Calandar book) Astrolabe in use from Elvcidatio fabricae vsvsque. Authoris distichon Celestial globe with allegorical figures surrounding it from Epytoma Ioannis de Monte Regio in Almagestum Ptolemei Celestial map showing various constellations from Atlas designed to illustrate the geography of the heavens. colophon Colophon with Tycho Brahe's imprint Cover of Tychonis Brahe Dani Epistolarvm astronomicarvm libri Cover of Tychonis Brahe Dani Epistolarvm astronomicarvm libri Dialogus de systemate mundi Early Telescope Eclipse of the Sun from The beauty of the heavens : a pictorial display of the astronomical phenomena of the universe Embossed cover of From the Earth to the Moon Galileo's February 1610 observations of Jupiter and its moons Galileo's February 1610 observations of Jupiter and its moons Galileo's February 1610 observations of Jupiter and its moons - gutter shadow Galileo's observations of Jupiter and its moons Geometry Book Ad clarissimum virum D. Ioannem Schonerum, De libris reuolutionu[m] eruditissimi viri, & mathematici excellentissimi, Reuerendi D. Doctoris Nicolai Copernici ... per quendam Iuuenem, mathematicae stud no.1 Adriani Metii ... De genuino usu utriusque globi tractatvs Astronomia nova aitiologetos [romanized] Astronomical observations made at Hudson Observatory, latitude 41 ̊14' 42".6,north, and longitude 5 h. 25m. 39s. 5 west Astronomical observations made at Hudson Observatory, latitude 41° 14' 37" north, and longitude 5h. 25m. 42s. west Astronomy, Mechanics, and Optics Athanasii Kircheri ... Ars magna lucis et umbr, in X. libros digesta Celestial scenery, or, The Wonders of the planetary system displayed Compilatio Leupoldi ducatus Austrie filij de astrorum scientia Cosmographia Dialogo di Galileo Galilei Linceo matematico sopraordinario dello studio di Pisa. E filosofo, e matematico primario del serenissimo gr. duca di Toscana. Doue ne i congressi di quattro giornate si discorre sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo tolemaico, e Discorso di Leontio artefice sopra la sfera di Arato et fabbrica di quella Epytoma Ioa[n]nis de Mo[n]te Regio in Almagestu[m] Ptolomei Euclidis Phaenomena post Zamberti & Maurolyci editionem F. Thomæ Campanellæ ... Apologia pro Galileo Francisci Blanchini Veronensis Astronomicae, ac geographicae observationes selectae Romae, atque alibi per Italiam habitae, ex eius autographis excerptae una cum geographica meridiani romani tabula a From the Earth to the Moon Pages1 2 3 next › last »