This page lists all content on our site that has been tagged with "Voyages and travels". You may find a variety of content here, from books, to exhibitions, to events.


Image Gallery

Around the projectile were the objects which had been thrown out.

"Around the projectile were the objects which had been thrown out" in From the Earth to the Moon

Diana and Satelitte.

"Diana and Satellite" in From the Earth to the Moon

"I could have ventured out on the top of the projectile" in From the Earth to the Moon

"Light and heat; all life is contained in them" in From the Earth to the Moon

Michel Ardan

"Michel Ardan" in From the Earth to the Moon

Tampa Town after the undertaking.

"Tampa Town after the undertaking" in From the Earth to the Moon

Tampa Town previous to the undertaking.

"Tampa Town previous to the undertaking" in From the Earth to the Moon

The arrival of the projectile at Stone's Hill.

"The arrival of the projectile at Stone's Hill" in From the Earth to the Moon

The arrival of the projectile at Stone's Hill.

"The arrival of the projectile at Stone's Hill" in From the Earth to the Moon

The gas caught fire.

"The gas caught fire" in From the Earth to the Moon

The interior of the projectile.

"The interior of the projectile" from From the Earth to the Moon

The Rodman Columbiad

"The Rodman Columbiad" in From the Earth to the Moon

The sun chose to be of the party.

"The sun chose to be of the party" in From the Earth to the Moon

"The vapor of our breath will fall in snow around us" in From the Earth to the Moon

"White all, Barbicane" in From the Earth to the Moon

A Map of the East Indies.

A Map of the East Indies.

A Map of the World

A Map of the World

A New Voyage Round the World

A New Voyage Round the World

Chanteur ambulant. -- Gravure tiree de l'edition anglaise.

Chanteur ambulant from Le tour du monde

Embossed cover of From the Earth to the Moon

Jeune fille niam-niam and jeunes hommes niam-niam from Le tour de monde

Mittous et Mittous-Madis. -- Dessin de O. Mathieu, d'apres des croquis de le'auteur

Mittous et Mittous-Madis from Le tour de monde

Projectile trains for the Moon.

Projectile trains for the Moon from From the Earth to the Moon

The Six voyages of John Baptista

The Six voyages of John Baptista


Cover of A narrative of four journeys into the country of the Hottentots, and Caffraria

A narrative of four journeys into the country of the Hottentots, and Caffraria

Cover of A trip to the moon

A trip to the moon

Cover of A voyage to the North Pacific and a journey through Siberia more than half a century ago

A voyage to the North Pacific and a journey through Siberia more than half a century ago

Cover of Barney Zimmermans jurnal [i.e. journal] whilst traveling to the state of Ohio

Barney Zimmermans jurnal [i.e. journal] whilst traveling to the state of Ohio

From the Earth to the Moon

Cover of Les contrées mystérieuses et les peuples inconnus

Les contrées mystérieuses et les peuples inconnus

Cover of Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier

Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier

Cover of Mémoires du Capitaine Péron

Mémoires du Capitaine Péron t. 1

Cover of Mémoires du Capitaine Péron

Mémoires du Capitaine Péron t. 2

Cover of My early travels and adventures in America and Asia

My early travels and adventures in America and Asia

Cover of My early travels and adventures in America and Asia v.1

My early travels and adventures in America and Asia v.1

Cover of My early travels and adventures in America and Asia v.2

My early travels and adventures in America and Asia v.2

Cover of Novvs Orbis regionvm ac insvlarvm veteribvs incognitarvm, unà cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot alijs consimilis argumenti libellis

Novvs Orbis regionvm ac insvlarvm veteribvs incognitarvm, unà cum tabula cosmographica, & aliquot alijs consimilis argumenti libellis

Cover of Our boys' and girls' tour around the world

Our boys' and girls' tour around the world

Cover of Random jottings of a journey from Norridgewock, Maine, U.S.A., to Europe

Random jottings of a journey from Norridgewock, Maine, U.S.A., to Europe

Cover of Sailor life on man of war and merchant vessel

Sailor life on man of war and merchant vessel

Cover of The aeroplane trip

The aeroplane trip

Cover of The Stereoscopic photograph

The Stereoscopic photograph

Cover of The Stereoscopic photograph v.1:no.1 (1901:June)

The Stereoscopic photograph v.1:no.1 (1901:June)

Cover of The Stereoscopic photograph v.1:no.2 (1901:Sept.)

The Stereoscopic photograph v.1:no.2 (1901:Sept.)

Cover of The Stereoscopic photograph v.1:no.3 (1901:Dec.)

The Stereoscopic photograph v.1:no.3 (1901:Dec.)

Cover of The Stereoscopic photograph v.1:no.4 (1902:March)

The Stereoscopic photograph v.1:no.4 (1902:March)

Cover of The Stereoscopic photograph v.2:no.1 (1902:June)

The Stereoscopic photograph v.2:no.1 (1902:June)

Cover of The Stereoscopic photograph v.2:no.2 (1902:Sept.)

The Stereoscopic photograph v.2:no.2 (1902:Sept.)

Cover of The Traveller

The Traveller

Cover of The Traveller v.2:no.3 (1902:Dec.)

The Traveller v.2:no.3 (1902:Dec.)
