Books related to Chemistry Primary tabsAll Books(active tab) Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 1 - 20 of 20. Show 10 results per page. A new system of chemical philosophy A new system of chemical philosophy v. 1; pt. 1 A new system of chemical philosophy v. 1; pt. 2 A new system of chemical philosophy v. 2; pt. 1 American hand-book of chemical and physical apparatus,... Anleitung zur Analyse organischer Körper Carl Wilhelm Scheele's d. Königl. Schwed. Acad. d.... De lʼemploi du chalumeau dans les analyses chimiques et les... Elements of chemical philosophy Essays de Iean Rey, docteur en medecine Grundlagen der Chemie On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances : first [-... On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances : first [-... On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances : first [-... Spectrum analysis The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure The sceptical chymist or, Chymico-physical doubts &... Traité élémentaire de chimie Traité élémentaire de chimie t. 1 (1789) Traité élémentaire de chimie t. 2 (1789)