Images related to European History Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 1 - 24 of 52. Show 10 | 50 results per page. Pages1 2 3 next › last » An example of Smithson's humor and sarcasm in A Tour... Annotated pages in Sketch of a tour into Derbyshire and... Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation by James Smithson of a page in A Tour of France Annotation of Page in Voyage Fait dans les Departemens Boboli. Cicogna. Dans ce jour solemnel, la science couronnera la valeur. Double page from Olaus Magnus' "Historia delle... Double page from Olaus Magnus' "Historia delle... Eglise de Ste Genevieve Frontispiece and title page of Travels through the south of... Gamberaia. Image from Historia delle genti et della natvra delle cose... Image from Italian villas and their gardens Image from Italian villas and their gardens Pages1 2 3 next › last »