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Your search found 257 books available for adoption.


A Plate Depicting a Posed Human Skeleton, from Methode pour Apprendre le Dessein

Methode pour Apprendre le Dessein

Preserve for the Future – $1,200
Charles-Antoine Jombert (1712–1784) was a French bookseller and publisher descended from a dynasty of booksellers. This book serves as a manual on techniques for figure drawing, featuring over 100 copper engravings representing different parts of the human anatomy. Some plates are based on original...Read More
Title page of Le Micromegas

Le Micromegas

Build and Access the Collection – $2,500
This very rare copy of the second edition from 1752 was once owned by rocket scientist Frederick Ordway III, spaceflight visionary and consultant on Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, this work of fiction by Voltaire is a work akin to Gulliver's Travels, but set in outer space. In this...Read More
Page of colored shell illustrations

The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain

Build and Access the Collection – $800
James Sowerby (1757-1822), artist, naturalist, and mineralogist, did nothing by half-measure. From 167 plates on minerals of the world, to a 36 volume work on British plants, and even to a treatise on color, Sowerby’s work is indeed expansive. This book, one volume of seven on invertebrate...Read More
Mohawks on the Nile

Mohawks on the Nile

Build and Access the Collection – $250
On August 20, 1884, Governor General of Canada, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, received an encrypted cablegram from the Colonial Office in London that requested “good voyageurs” for an expedition to Egypt on the Nile River. Specifically, England wanted Mohawk and Ojibway Indian men to guide...Read More
Cover of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Build and Access the Collection – $250
This book is only 75 pages long, but is full of valuable information about Frederick Douglass (1818-1895). It is an unabridged republication of his 1845 autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. In it, Douglass describes, in unflinching honesty, the...Read More
Cover of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

Build and Access the Collection – $250
This autobiography/memoir covers the life of abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass. Its text is preceded by an introduction from Dr. John Blassingame: Yale graduate, Yale professor, and pioneer in the study of American slavery. After the text, there are about fifty pages of historical...Read More
Cover of Mattioli's Krauter-Buch

Neu Vollkommenes Krauter-Buch

Preserve for the Future – $1,500
Pietro Mattioli (1501-1577), a physician and botanist, first published his commentaries on the classic work on medical botany from antiquity – Dioscorides’ De materia medica – in 1544 in Italian.  He identified the plants that the ancient Greek had discussed as being medically useful and added...Read More
New Orleans Street Parade

New Orleans Street Parade

Build and Access the Collection – $1,000
The 1968 film New Orleans Street Parade depicts the eponymous city's Onward Brass Band parading through the French Quarter, arousing interest from onlookers and picking up participant second liners along the way. This film attempts to capture an authentic second line parade and...Read More
Nome Gold, cover

Nome Gold

Build and Access the Collection – $250
This book compiles 100 love letters written by Edwin B. Sherzer, a prospector in Nome, Alaska to his girlfriend, Clara M. Miller. The historical setting is the gold rush of 1899 in Nome. The book is edited by Canadian author Kenneth J. Kutz, an expert and enthusiast in both philately and gold...Read More
North American Indian costumes (1564-1950) v. 2

North American Indian Costumes (1564-1950)

Build and Access the Collection – $1,500
This portfolio volume (Vol. 2 of the work) contains 25 illustrations by the noted Native American artist Oscar Howe (Mazuha Hokshina). A Yanktonai Dakota artist trained at the Studio of Santa Fe Indian School, Dakota Wesleyan University, and University of Oklahoma. Howe is perhaps best known...Read More
