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There 9 books available for adoption.

Anweisung für Anfänger, Pflanzen zum Nutzen und Vergnügen zu sammeln und nach dem Linneischen System zu bestimmen.   AND  Anweisung Pflanzen zum Nutzen und Vergnügen zu sammeln und nach dem Linneischen System zu bestimmen.

Anweisung für Anfänger Pflanzen zum Nutzen und Vergnügen zu Sammlen AND Anweisung Pflanzen zum Nutzen und Vergnügen zu Sammeln

Build and Access the Collection - $700
Held by only one and two libraries respectively in North America, these are the 1st and 2nd editions of a work on collecting plants and preparing a herbarium following the Linnaean system. Their purchase strengthens SIL's significant collection of historical works on natural history cabinets and...Read More
Book cover of Bog-Trotting for Orchids

Bog-Trotting for Orchids

Build and Access the Collection - $300
Grace Greylock Niles was a botanist, teacher, collector, photographer, free spirit, swamp-explorer, writer, and nature enthusiast. This fascinating and beautifully illustrated book opens the readers' eyes and mind to a world of natural beauty that few would dare to explore. A native of...Read More
Book cover of The Desert Garden

The Desert Garden

Build and Access the Collection - $300
This slim book about native plants found in the Phoenix regional area, circa 1933, was written at a time when the population of the city was just under 50,000 people. It’s a self published book with the author providing both text and simple pen and ink illustrations of the plants throughout the...Read More
Discours sur la structure des fleurs, leurs differences et l'usage de leurs parties....

Discours Sur la Structure des Fleurs, Leurs Differences et l'Usage de Leurs Parties....

Build and Access the Collection - $4,125
This short publication by a little-known botanist gave Linnaeus the diagnostic tools and the anatomical terminology for his sexual system of classifying plants. After studying botany under Tournefort at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, Vaillant (1669-1722) established a herbarium there and showed...Read More
Isagoges in rem haerbarium libri duo.

Isagoges in Rem Herbariam Libri Duo

Build and Access the Collection - $1,100
A professor of anatomy and surgery at the University of Leiden, Adriaan van de Spiegel (1578-1625) also studied botany, and his Isagoges in Rem Herbariam Libri Duo is an early work on plant classification. Linnaeus, who established the modern system of scientific nomenclature, held Spiegel's...Read More
Cover of Mattioli's Krauter-Buch

Neu Vollkommenes Krauter-Buch

Preserve for the Future - $1,500
Pietro Mattioli (1501-1577), a physician and botanist, first published his commentaries on the classic work on medical botany from antiquity – Dioscorides’ De materia medica – in 1544 in Italian.  He identified the plants that the ancient Greek had discussed as being medically useful and added...Read More
Paradisus batavus, continens plus centum plantas affabre aere incises & descriptionibus illustratas.

Paradisus Batavus, Continens Plus Centum Plantas Affabre Aere Incises & Descriptionibus Illustratas.

Build and Access the Collection - $3,800
Hermann, a physician and botanist, traveled to Africa, India, and Ceylon in the service of the Dutch East India Company and later served as the director of the famous botanic garden at the University of Leiden. In this work he published detailed descriptions and illustrations of the garden's plants...Read More
Detail image of colors and illustration of lichen

Svenska Lafvarnas Färghistoria

Build and Access the Collection - $3,175
Johan Peter Westring (1753-1833), a Swedish physician and lichenologist, studied under Linnaeus at the University of Uppsala and continued his botanical interests while practicing as a medical doctor. This book of his explored lichens’ potential usefulness as dyes for textiles, and the hand-colored...Read More
Synopsis methodica stirpium britannicarum.

Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum

Build and Access the Collection - $1,750
Englishman John Ray (1627-1705) is considered by many to be the greatest naturalist of his day, and his works in the fields of botany and zoology are classics of pre-Linnean classification. The Synopsis methodica stirpium brittannicarum, in particular, was the standard botanical authority for many...Read More