Images related to African History Primary tabsAll Books Images(active tab) Exhibitions Digital Collections Displaying 51 - 100 of 157. Show 10 | 50 | 100 results per page. Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 next › last » Foreign Captives Employed in Making Brick at Thebes. From... Fuga, Capital of Usambara Fuga, Capital of Usumbara Gertasse Great Rock-cut Temple, Abou Simbel, Nubia Great Western (or main) fall, from Three Rill Cliff to... Herd of buffaloes driven to the edge of the chasm Here Baines illustrates how he set up his tent after... Hollow gourds tied together were used as flotation devices... Hottentot Ornaments & c. How I Found Livingstone Hunter's camp on the Somokwe River Illustrated cover of Cairo and Egypt: a practical handbook... Illustrated cover of My winter on the Nile Image from Guide to Rhodesia for the use of tourists &... Impalla; Ivory pestals, war horns, Malufu cup - Congo River In Darkest Africa Inscription by David Livinstone Instinctively I pulled the trigger of the revolver, and... James Bruce of Kinnaird Le Delta Le giraffe mâle [male giraffe] Le zebre femelle [female zebra] Le zebre mâle [male zebra] Louksor Map of African Literature Map of Cook's Steamer and Dahabeah Service on the Nile Marbled flyleaf Marbled pastedown Marbled rear cover of Voyage à la còte orientale d'... Modern Oriental Costume Mombasah fort Native hut & garden; Stanley Pool from flagstaff on... Nieuwe caarte van Kaap de Goede Hoop [New map of the Cape... Olyphant Ornate intial letter "S" in Cairo and Egypt: a... Portrait - Livingstone Pyramids of Gizeh (map) Rhinoceros volgens deze beschryving [The rhinoceros... Rhinoceros zoo als die meest afgebeeldt worden [The... Rhodesia Railways, Sketch of the plan of Victoria Falls and... Savage of the Nyika Savage of the Nyika Sheik Houssein Ibn-Egid Shepheards Hotel Shepheards Hotel. Saloon Sketch Map of Egypt Sphinx and Pyramids Stamped cloth cover featuring hieroglyphics Stamped cloth cover of A journey to Central Africa Pages« first ‹ previous 1 2 3 4 next › last »