Manners and Customs Primary tabsAll(active tab) Books Images Exhibitions Digital Collections Books Meibutsuki Le Costume ancien et moderne Europe v. 4 Gazette du bon ton 1920, t. 2 Cha-no-yu Gazette du bon ton 1921, t. 1 Chaki meikeihen v. 2 Ladies' dress shoes of the... Chanoyu shin no daisu Gazette du bon ton 1912-1913 Chadō sentei [Fashion plates] Costume Color Council presents costume... Chakata meikiruishū v. 1 Geschichte des Kostüms vol. 4 Shoka zōhin meikizu Kundaikan sōchōki Le Costume ancien et moderne Asie v. 2 Sanbyakkajō v. 3 Le costume en Provence The gentlemen's book of etiquette... Chaki bengyokushū v. 1 Curiosities of ceremonials, titles,... Alter ego Gazette du bon ton 1922, t. 2 Previous Next Images Barbers' Poles and Signs Kochs' Gold Medal Hydraulic... Boston Rubber Shoe Company New York Millinery and Supply Co. Europe XV-XVI Sele New Century Caligraph No. 7 (typewriter) Ostrich Feathers Habit of the King of Poland &... New York Millinery and Supply Co. Ladies' wraps Kochs' Gold Medal Hydraulic... Les Columbes familiers Barber accessories from 1903... Combination Fixture, No. 203 from 1903... New York Millinery and Supply Co. Chenille Silk and Felt Braids Silk, Satin and Gros Grain Ribbon Our Heroes in Hollywood centerfold in... New Century Caligraph No. 6 (typewriter) Europe XVI Siecle Crepe Paper (flowers, holly) New York Millinery and Supply Co. Taffeta Silks and Satins Mount Everest (front cover of catalog) Previous Next Exhibitions Fantastic Worlds Nile Notes of a Howadji: American... Cultivating America’s Gardens Color in a New Light Digital Collections Sewing Machines: Historical Trade...