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There 11 books available for adoption.


Commentatio II.  De Zoolitho-dendroidis in genre et in specie de Schwartzburgico-Sondershusianis curiosissimus ac formosissimus...

Alberti Ritter Gymnasii Ilfeldensis Regii Con-Rectoris Commentatio II. De Zoolithodendroidis in Genere et in Specie de Schvvartzburgico-Sondershusanis Curiosissimis ac Formosissimis...

Build and Access the Collection - $650
Albrecht Ritter (1684-1748) was in instructor at the royal Stiftscollegium at Ilefeld, Germany. Although relatively little is know about him, he was an early proponent of taking students into the field and learning from direct observation of and experience with the natural world. A member of the...Read More
British mineralogy or coloured figures intended to elucidate the mineralogy of Great Britain.

British Mineralogy

Build and Access the Collection - $11,500
James Sowerby's British Mineralogy is the first comprehensive illustrated work on mineralogy. Though more than 200 years old, in many ways it has never been superceded. It was issued in parts over 15 years and ultimately contained 550 plates meticulously drawn from actual specimens, engraved and...Read More
A descriptive catalogue of the marine reptiles of the Oxford clay

A Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Reptiles of the Oxford Clay, Pt 1

Preserve for the Future - $600
This volume, part one of two, was given to the Smithsonian in 1910 right after it was printed by the Board of Trustees of the British Museum. Inside the front cover of each of the two books is a plate stating that it was “Presented by the Trustees of The British Museum” and that it is “No. 23...Read More
A descriptive catalogue of the marine reptiles of the Oxford clay. Pt 2

A Descriptive Catalogue of the Marine Reptiles of the Oxford Clay, Pt 2

Preserve for the Future - $750
This volume, part of a two book set, was given to the Smithsonian in 1910 right after it was printed by the Board of Trustees of the British Museum. Inside the front cover of each of the two books is a plate stating that it was “Presented by the Trustees of The British Museum” and that it is “...Read More
Die Versteinerungen des Steinkohlengebirges von Wettin und Lobejun im Sallkreise, bildlich dargestellt und beschreiben...

Die Versteinerungen des Steinkohlengebirges von Wettin und Lobejun im Sallkreise

Build and Access the Collection - $2,400
This book by Germar (1786-1853), a professor of mineralogy at the University of Halle and the director of its mineralogical cabinet/museum, focuses on fossils discovered in Saxony, constituting some of the earliest fossil material described in Europe. It is of considerable importance to...Read More
Kurtze Betrachtung derer Kräuterabdrücke im Steinreiche

Kurtze Betrachtung Derer Kräuterabdrücke im Steinreiche

Build and Access the Collection - $1,500
Schulze, a German physician (1730-1775) with interests in mineralogy and paleontology, was a pioneer of paleobotany, the study of fossil plants. He is credited with recognizing the true nature of fossils, rejecting the supernatural explanations that had held sway for centuries. The Smithsonian...Read More
Page of colored shell illustrations

The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain

Build and Access the Collection - $800
James Sowerby (1757-1822), artist, naturalist, and mineralogist, did nothing by half-measure. From 167 plates on minerals of the world, to a 36 volume work on British plants, and even to a treatise on color, Sowerby’s work is indeed expansive. This book, one volume of seven on invertebrate...Read More


Build and Access the Collection - $350
This magnificently illustrated book describes and depicts images of paleo art from the inception of the field, in the 1830s, to the modern era. Paleoart, unique in its literary field, includes beautifully reproduced paintings, drawings, tile mosaics, etc. from collections around the world. Each...Read More
Photograph of drawing of radiolarians


Build and Access the Collection - $4,000
Priscilla Susan Bury (1799-1872), who published under her married name, is most famous for her work A Selection of Hexandrian Plants. Although she is well-known in the world of the botany of living plants, her work on polycystins is relatively obscure despite its importance. Concerned with fossil...Read More

Pyrite [Fool's Gold]

Build and Access the Collection - $250
David Rickard gives gold’s poor relation the royal treatment in this scholarly work on the mineral pyrite. Rickard presents both the social uses of pyrite—from historical accounts—and the scientific nature of the mineral. Whether a scientist is researching the history of an older piece of metalwork...Read More
